Learning The Multiple Symptoms Of Basement Water Damage

There will be moments when water damage inside your basement will not be as apparent as you might think. Reports suggest that at least 60 per cent of homeowners face water damage inside their basements. If the water damage remains unaddressed, then the moisture inside your basement can lead to mould growth which will prove to be harmful to your health. Such is the reason why it’s essential to spot the signs of water damage and thereby contact a reliable waterproofing contractor. 

But, how can you identify the symptoms of water damage in your basement? Let’s find out. 

Signs Of Water Damage In Your Basement

  1. Presence Of Cracks

According to a well-known waterproofing service provider offering membrane roofing solutions, cracks can easily develop in the foundation, walls or floor of your basement. The cracks will not only appear on the interior side of the basement but also on the exterior half. 

It’s extremely crucial to pay attention to the size of the cracks because minor cracks will not need immediate fixing. However, if the cracks are bigger than 1/16th of an inch, then the same should be fixed immediately. You also need to pay attention to displaced or shifting walls. 

  1. Presence Of Water Stains

Any presence of moisture stains on your walls, ceiling and floor are the obvious symptoms of water damage inside your basement. 

  1. Presence Of Strange Smells

In case you can identify water damage via naked eyes, then you can surely detect it via its strange smell. If you can take a deep breath inside your basement and you detect smells of mildew (which causes due to moisture damage), then there’s water damage. 

The musty smell will be more pronounced around areas of the basement where there is substantial water damage, which can indicate that there’s a serious underlying issue under the floorboards or behind the walls. 

  1. Presence Of Mould Growth

You must learn that mould generally thrives under damp environments, which means that its presence will be a sign of water damage. Oftentimes, mould growth happens due to a water leak inside the basement and starts growing on walls, floors and even wooden furniture sets. 

Mould can be either black or dark green, with a white powdery substance. Mould also emits a musty, damp smell. 

  1. Presence Of Floor Damage

Water damage inside your basement can easily be detected just by walking around your basement and looking at the floor. When basement floors (made of either wood or concrete) absorb water, they tend to expand or form cracks on them. 

Hence, if you’re facing any of the above-mentioned issues inside your basement, don’t hesitate to call us and let us know.  

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