Should You Care About Indoor Air Quality Inspections? Learn More

The arrival of the winter season means that most homeowners will keep their doors & windows closed, leading to indoor air quality problems. Such a scenario happens especially during the late summer and the early fall season because flowering plants start creating more pollen for fertilization, making the breathable air adulterated with pollen particles.

When the same adulterated air gets inhaled by humans, mainly those who suffer from allergies, symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or even asthma will start surfacing. And since windows will remain closed due to the chilly weather most of the time, the quality of indoor air will simply worsen over time. So, what’s the solution? Well, the only way such an issue can be avoided is by carrying out indoor air quality inspections. 

More Allergens Are Brought Indoors During The Winter & Fall Season

Professional home inspection in Pensacola FL states that during the fall & winter season, the weather tends to get drier. As a result, the overall dust particles and other contaminants increase in the air that we breathe. An increase in allergens means that the risks of catching allergies or any other respiratory illness are indeed very high.

The problem of allergens gets intensified if your home has poor ventilation because the polluted air gets trapped inside and since there’s no way to recycle the air as all windows & doors remain closed in winters, the pollutants remain suspended in the air. 

Inclusion Of Pet Dander And Presence Of Radon

If you have pets inside your home, then you need to be extremely careful with your health, especially if you have allergies. This is because pet dander is one of the most popular causes of allergies in human beings. Since the origin of pet dander is indoors, you have to take precautionary steps in cleaning & maintaining your interiors daily. Dirty homes that are rarely maintained will lead to an allergy flare. 

And there’s the additional cause of affecting indoor air quality via the presence of radon. Since radon is undetectable by smell or sight, it’s difficult to know whether your home has any presence of radon. Times like these are when you need to call in for professional home inspectors because they can assist you in performing all sorts of radon testing procedures (long term & short term).

Options At Your Disposal To Improve Indoor Air Quality

The first option that you have at your disposal to improve your indoor air quality would be to use an air purifier. Air purifiers are a great solution to combat allergies and allergens inside your home. 

Besides using air purifiers, you can also install HVAC systems so that proper ventilation is provided inside your home. Lastly, you can also invest in good quality ceiling fans. 

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