What Is Liquid Collagen? Benefits, Side Effects, and More

The wellness industry is awash with collagen supplements. Influencers promise that these supplements can boost your hair and your skin. They also claim to support your joints and the health of nails.

Most people choose the powdered Collagen. However, you can also get it in a liquid form that you drink.

Do brands and influencers really claim that drinking liquid collagen in uk has the same benefits as they say? We explain liquid collagen, its potential health benefits, possible risks, how it can be used, and much more.

What is liquid collagen?

Collagen is abundant protein It is found in connective tissue, such as skin, muscle, tendons and cartilage.

Collagen is a protein that your body uses from foods such as Bone broth Or gelatin and supplements to boost collagen production naturally in the body.

One type of collagen product is liquid collagen. Manufacturers may also add other ingredients that support skin and hair care, including vitamin c and biotin.

You can also buy collagen supplements in powder, capsules or gummies.

Wagner points out that there aren’t too many differences. She explains that “all collagen supplements begin in powder form.”

Liquid Collagen: Functions

Some collagen supplements claim to support joint health as well.

The amino acids found in protein that you consume are used to produce collagen. Wagner says that collagen is the framework which holds your body together. They are the connective tissues that make up your tendons, ligaments and skin.

The collagen levels in the skin decrease as we age. This process is accelerated by external factors such as excessive alcohol, smoking and sun exposure.

You may experience a decrease in collagen levels, which can lead to a reduction in skin elasticity, stiff joints and tissues, as well as an increase in pain and discomfort.

Many people use collagen supplements to combat this decline. Wagner says that collagen consumption may stimulate collagen-producing cells. Collagen contains amino acids glycine, proline, and a few others that are responsible for increasing collagen synthesis.

Although research is still ongoing, these supplements may help boost collagen levels in the body.

Liquid Collagen Types

bovine collagen can be used to make liquid collagen supplements. Marine sources such as fresh or saltwater fish are also good options.

Type 1 collagen makes up 90% of the 28 types of collagen found in the body.

Each collagen source contains a slightly different blend of collagens. Marine collagen (derived from fish) contains a lot of type 1 collagen.

Type 1 collagen can be found in the skin, bones and tendons.

Bovine collagen can be found in connective tissue types I, II and III, as well as in cartilage and muscle.

Liquid collagen is available in small bottles to take as a dietary supplement or in functional drinks. Your budget, taste and preferences will determine what you select.

Liquid Collagen: Potential Health Benefits

Liquid Collagen does not offer any unique or enhanced benefits when compared to other forms of collagen. Brands may claim that liquid collagen is better or absorbable, but that doesn’t mean it’s more accessible to the body. Wagner says that this is a marketing ploy. The benefits of collagen are not better because it is a powder or liquid.

Research does show benefits when it comes collagen supplements. There is a lack in research specifically on liquid collagen. Many liquid collagen supplements contain a lower dose of collagen than what is used for research. It’s therefore difficult to predict the results of taking these supplements. Consider these potential benefits.

Can Boost Skin Health

An oral collagen supplement for at least eight weeks improves skin hydration and elasticity, according to a meta-analysis of 26 randomized-controlled trials.

In the studies, people between 21 and 70 years old (mostly women) took 2.5 to 10 grams of collagen, sourced from bovine, porcine, chicken and fish.

The authors claim that fish collagen is the best source of collagen for skin moisture. This could be because fish skin has a greater variety of amino acids compared to other animal sources.

It may help with joint pain and stiffness

A review found that there is growing evidence to suggest that collagen supplements can help reduce joint stiffness, pain and inflammation and improve the function of arthritic joints by restoring and protecting cartilage.

The doses used in the studies varied from 0.1 mg to 20 g daily, so the amount you need is still unknown.

Exercise Can Boost Your Benefits

It is not clear whether collagen supplements help in weight reduction. Combining collagen supplements and exercise can improve body composition.

In a meta-analysis of four studies, it was found that those who took collagen supplements and did resistance training saw their lean mass increase and body fat decrease compared to the control group.

Premenopausal and recreationally-active men and women saw smaller benefits.

A few of the studies included in the meta-analysis also reveal that there are potential benefits to improved recovery and reduced muscle soreness after exercise. Further research is required.

As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen. However, collagen is essential for maintaining skin elasticity, bone density, and joint health. Find out which collagen supports healthy aging.

Liquid Collagen: Side effects and potential risks

Liquid collagen is no exception. It can cause side effects and risks.


It is safe to use liquid collagen. But people with allergies should scan the ingredients list carefully, says Monique Richard, RDN, an integrative and functional registered dietitian-nutritionist in Johnson City, Tennessee. Some people may be allergic to ingredients in collagen supplements, including fish, shellfish, and animal products.

The FDA does not test collagen supplements before they are sold for safety and efficacy.

You can’t tell if your supplement has heavy metals, or if it contains the ingredients and benefits that are claimed.

Side Effects

Collagen is generally well tolerated. Even at higher doses, none of the fifteen studies reviewed in 2021 reported any adverse effects.

Richard says that some people may experience gastrointestinal side-effects such as indigestion or bloatingConsider stopping the collagen supplement or switching to a different one if you experience digestive problems.

Who Would Consider Taking Liquid Collagen?

If you’re interested in learning more about the potential benefits of collagen for your skin, hair and nails, or joints, and have room in your budget to buy a supplement, it may be worth a try.

It’s not necessary to take liquid collagen. Powdered is fine too, unless it tastes and feels better. Richard says that powdered collagen is able to be mixed into a wide range of liquids. However, some people do not like the change in taste and texture when it’s added.

You may also be attracted to liquid collagen because you can use it straight from the bottle.

Talk to your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing before taking a collagen supplement.

How to choose and store liquid collagen

Choose a high-quality, safe liquid collagen supplement and store it correctly to get the best results. What you need to be aware of


Most liquid collagen products include flavors, alternative sweeteners like stevia and thickeners. The additives are needed to make the product taste good or for its formula, but not for its functionality.

“A good rule to follow is to select a supplement with ingredients that are as straightforward as possible.” Choose a supplement that has a minimal amount of ingredients, unless those ingredients are functional, says Robin Foroutan RDN a registered dietitian nutritionist and integrative functional in New York City. Functional ingredients provide a benefit. Vitamin C is one example. It supports the body’s collagen production.

You should look for liquid collagen supplements that list hydrolyzed or collagen peptides, (forms of the collagen that are more absorbable) and have limited additives.

It’s also important to choose a product which has been tested by a third party for safety. (Organisations such as NSF and U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), ConsumerLab, and the United States Pharmacopeia.


You should follow the instructions on the label of the product, which could include refrigeration. Some products are sold in single-serving packets that you can drink and they need to be kept in a dry, cool place.

Liquid Collagen Dosage

Richard suggests that research shows that between 2.5 and 15 g collagen per day are ideal.

Serving sizes and dosages are not always the same for liquid and powder. Richard says that liquid collagen is usually in smaller dosages, as it’s emulsified with liquid. This means you might need to take more or more frequently than powdered collagen.

You may not get the desired results if you use too little.

Many supplements are sweetened, flavored, or added to functional drinks.

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