Towel-A-Saurus Rex! {Kidorable Giveaway}

In, Kidorable sprung from the minds, hearts and efficiency apartment of Liping and Jonathan Domsky. They proclaimed, “The world needs someone to create children’s apparel and accessories that are both functional and fun. We can do that.”And so Kidorable was conceived. Starting with lions and cats and bears, oh my, manifested as umbrellas and hangers, Kidorable generated enough sales during its first year to break even and plant fruitful Kidorable seeds throughout the land. The following year sales grew ten fold. Every year since, give or take, a new style and/or product line debuted. And every year, the world joyfully embraced more Kidorable delights, give or take, than the year before. Children, it turns out, absolutely and unconditionally love Kidorable (almost as much as their parents and other children-loving grown-ups do.) Today Kidorable is a striking presence, not just in stores, but across the vast landscape of the children’s apparel and accessories industry. By encouraging personal and professional growth in the service of imagination and smiles, Kidorable’s own growth projections continue to soar.


We were sent the cutest Dinosaur Towel for our little Hollis-aurus-rex! He loves all things dinosaur and was so happy to see his new towel. The Dinosaur Towel from Kidorable came in the cutest little plastic pouch that I now use for all of our pool stuff; sunscreen, lotion, hair detangler, & brushes. I love that I have found a fun use for this great little carrier. We have been using the towel every time we swim and both of the kids want to use it! Who doesn’t love to play dinosaur right out of the pool?! Hollis even insists on his special Dinosaur Towel after his bath. The Dinosaur Towel is brightly colored and so soft; made extra cute by the dinosaur teeth, spines and dino-details that it has. These quality towels come in two sizes, newborn to two years, and ages three to six. You are sure to find the perfect towel to fit your little one’s personality!

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Use the coupon code JULY4TH22 to receive Free Shipping on your order. Visit Kidorable and have your child pick their favorite style. This special offer is good from July 1st through July 5th. Today, Kidorable is giving away one adorable Towel of the winner’s choice!!

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