Top 5 Benefits of First Aid Pediatric Training for Parents

It’s truly surprising how many people never learn basic first aid procedures, including how to take a pulse, staunch bleeding, clean and disinfect a wound, treat burns, deliver CPR, and perform the Heimlich maneuver (amongst other things). This could be because people have no idea how often accidents actually occur in the home. Or maybe they’d rather rely on the pros to save a life. But knowing basic first aid can be invaluable in an emergency situation when every second counts, increasing the odds of survival exponentially. And when you have kids in the house you don’t want to have to sit by idly as they bleed, choke, or asphyxiate while you wait for the paramedics to show up. So here are just a few benefits of learning first aid, especially of the pediatric variety, that you may not have considered.

Immediate response. While your local emergency response time may be stellar, you’re probably going to have to wait at least a couple of minutes for help to arrive after you call 911 (if not longer), and that can seem like a lifetime when a child is unconscious, choking, or otherwise in need of medical assistance. When you take the time to get first aid training you should be able to take steps to help your child until the paramedics or other professionals arrive on scene. This could make the difference between life and death. Spot potential hazards. When you’re trained to address common medical emergencies that can befall children, you’ll start to spot potential risks around the home. This can help you to anticipate accidents and stave them off by implementing rules and installing safety devices. Most parents already address known issues like locking away poisonous materials and installing gates around pool areas, just for example. But when you become aware of the many ways in which children can be harmed you’ll go above and beyond to make your home safer.

Prevent further injury. Parents that know little to nothing about pediatric first aid may make a terrible mistake during an emergency that could end up causing additional harm. Suppose, for example, that you’re in a car accident or your child takes a tumble from an upper-story window. With appropriate first aid training you’ll know not to move your child until paramedics arrive since it could increase trauma and lead to further injury. Targeted training. In case you didn’t know, kids and adults require different care when it comes to first aid. By taking specific courses in pediatric first aid you’ll learn the proper techniques for offering medical assistance to children, such as covering their mouth and nose during CPR instead of pinching their nose with your fingers. Peace of mind. There’s nothing better than knowing that you could assist your kids and potentially even save their lives in the case of an emergency. Even American or Australia wide first aid cannot respond as fast as someone who is present at the time of an accident. And the peace of mind you’ll get from having the ability to treat your children until paramedics arrive is worth every minute spent in a training course.

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