Tooth Fairy Recommended Spiffies Giveaway

We take all sorts of precautions when it comes to baby’s health, including baby-proofing the house and countless trips to the pediatrician for check-ups. Even with all of that attention on baby, one very important developmental aspect is often overlooked– their developing gums and teeth. Many parents don’t realize that even though kids don’t need to see the dentist until they’re at least 2, developing teeth are susceptible to decay and cavities. Tooth decay is actually the most common chronic disease of children in the U.S. (even more prevalent than Asthma). Pediatrician-invented Spiffies baby tooth wipes are a tasty way to introduce dental hygiene to little ones. Each wipe is fruit flavored and contains Xylitol solution, a natural ingredient that prevents cavities. In fact, a study by the University of California at San Francisco’s School of Dentistry recently concluded that Xylitol wipes like Spiffies were extremely effective in reducing and preventing cavities.

Pediatrician Ray Wagner and his wife, Marti Wagner, President of DR Products, introduced Spiffies Tooth Wipes at the Annual Meeting of the American Pediatric Dentistry in May 2004. This knowledgeable and critical audience was immediately receptive to Spiffies Tooth Wipes. Today Spiffies has a growing retail distribution both overseas and in the U.S. In addition to being a practicing pediatrician, Dr. Wagner is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at A.T. Still School of Osteopathic Medicine near Phoenix. He always mentions the importance of educating parents about oral health to his medical students. Marti Wagner brings her wealth of experience and passion to the day-to-day operations and shares her husband’s advocacy for improving the oral health of children throughout the world.

Spiffies Establishes Good Oral Hygiene Before First Teeth Erupt.  What is it about wiping and babies? We wipe their bottoms (a lot!) and their hands and dirty faces. Of course if you watch a baby, you’ll notice everything goes into their mouth including yucky bacteria that can cause cavities later on. So how can you safely wipe the inside of their mouth? Try Spiffies, a tasty disposable wipe invented by a pediatrician for a lifetime of good oral hygiene. I am a stickler for dental hygiene! With both of my children, I started wiping down their gums with washcloths early on! I get them to the dentist at one year old, we go every six months and we brush teeth several times during the day. Ava loves to brush her teeth and requests to throughout the day!

She thinks it’s so much fun to stand on her stool, make silly faces in the mirror and brush away {of course, I go over them after!} I am hoping Hollis turns out to be this easy when it comes to a tooth brushing routine as he grows up. We received a sweet box packed with Spiffies tooth wipes in grape, apple, & mango flavors {yummy}! Hollis had already popped through his first teeth, but I really like that you can use these even before the first teeth erupt, getting your little one in the habit of having their gums & teeth cleaned. Hollis seems to enjoy all the flavors and didn’t fight me at all when it came time to clean his teeth and gums!

Really like that Spiffies come individually packaged, so I can take a few with me in the diaper bag when we are on the go to clean his teeth after bottles or feedings while we are out. So simple and quick! Teaching children how to take care of their teeth is so important! Spiffies products are dentist recommended, rich in the natural cavity fighting Xylitol, and are effective in helping to remove cavity causing bacteria. Spiffies are a great way to get children used to cleaning their teeth regularly and they will love the flavors! You can find several products for babies and toddlers available on the Spiffies website all geared towards keeping your child’s teeth healthy!

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