Tips For Safe Winter Driving Esurance

With snow on the roads and the kids in tow, you are probably out and about everyday.  Come rain or shine, it’s always smart to practice safe driving everyday.  With soccer practice to race to, errands to run, and ballet lessons to attend you can tend to be overwhelmed and that’s making no mention to the weather.

Here’s our top tips for safe winter driving this year:

  • Vehicle upkeep.  Make sure your oil is changed, windshield washer fluid is full, and you have good tires on your vehicle.  You want your vehicle to be in tip top shape when out and about, especially in the cold.  You want to eliminate your chances of having a breakdown or flat tire if at all possible.
  • Driving during daylight hours.  Once the sun goes down the ice comes out.  Try to limit your night driving to avoid ice and possible breakdowns.  The weather can be chilling and if you have children with you, you don’t want to weather the cold if you have to walk a distance for help, or wait in a cold car for help.
  • Stop early.  Leave a safe distance between you and the car in front of you.  Especially at stop signs and lights.  It’s very easy to slide on icy wet roads.
  • Emergency kit.  It’s a great idea to have jumper cables and warn clothing such as a coat and gloves, to a blanket.  If you are ever stranded on the side of the road you won’t know how long you will be there.  Even having some food in the trunk along with a shovel are great ideas.  Keep a first aid kit too! That way you have it if you need it.
  • Seatbelt.  Always buckle up when on the road.  Make sure the kids carseats and booster seats are properly installed for safety.
  • Cell phone charger in the glove box.  Make sure that you keep a cell phone charger in your car.  That way if you break down you will always have a full cell phone battery.
  • Warm up the car before heading out.  This will help you keep your windows clear from ice and snow and give you the best vision for safe driving.
  • Slow down.  It’s always smart to just slow down when driving in extreme conditions.  Use your good judgment.  If you are nervous, they you would be best to slow down.  Yes you will arrive a few minutes late, but you will be safe and sound.

We want you to be safe and sound this winter season when driving. What are some safe tips you have for driving when out and about this winter?  Share them with us and Esurance on Facebook.

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