Take Your Baby On An Adventure! {eebees Adventures DVD Giveway}

Eebee’s adventures are designed to engage you and your baby with rich play experiences that provide powerful lessons that memorizing letters, numbers, colors and shapes simply can and do not. We recently had the opportunity to play with if the shape fits eebee from eebees adventures collection. The colors are so bright and vibrant and the doll is so soft. I loved watching my little guy as he engaged in figuring out this toy. I first showed him how to match up the colors. He actively watched me as time and time again as I connected the colors. I then sat back and I watched him explore the toy and by the end of the night he was matching them up perfectly. He felt so accomplished and I was such a proud mommy! I love how this toy engaged both myself and my baby. I was teaching him by sight.If the SHAPE FITS eebee is not an ordinary stacking toy. It’s a playful, interactive adventure with shapes, colors and sizes to stack, fit, share, compare and “wear.” Includes one 12″ eebee doll and 4 soft “wearable” shapes that easily slip on and off of eebee’s (and baby’s, parent’s, grandparent’s, play mate’s and sibling’s) arms and legs (hands, feet…).

In addition to exploring color matching and exploring shapes and size relationships, if the Shape Fits eebee is the perfect toy for turn-taking, naming body parts, creating your own games and just getting silly with language and ideas. I was so impressed by the eebee’s adventures DVDs that we were sent. They really engaged my son into learning by seeing things done. Not by memorizing like other DVDs on the market for child development. I highly recommend you purchase their DVDs and toys and try them out. You will not be disappointed.Watching and, importantly, “doing” eebee’s adventures will allow you and your baby to see and learn first-hand what happens when you explore a crinkly, crunchy, smooth and bumpy paper mountain or roll, bounce, bop, bang, slide and toss your way around a world of balls and ramps.

We know that when your child is playing, she is actively trying to figure things out about objects and people—why did that ball roll and the block slide? How did he do that? Why did that happen?… The questions, theories and solutions just continue to evolve as your child develops and masters a myriad of critical physical, social and intellectual skills—playing and learning about how the world works and he works in it. Every parent can recount a time when their infant headed straight for that curtain to give it a pull; or happily opted to tear the wrapping paper rather then engage with the gift; or tried and tried to get the round peg into the square hole; or simply offered you whatever was in their hand.

Babies Will Instinctively:

  • Take initiative and act on their natural curiosity
  • Make clear choices among different materials and experiences
  • Vary their strategies and try different approaches
  • Persist at a goal and stick to a task
  • Share their discoveries and seek social interaction

These are the real basic skills of your baby’s first years and these are the hallmarks of great thinkers and achievers. The research is clear that the best way for babies to grow and strengthen these skills—the skills they need to succeed in life—is to play.

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