Silent In Stilettos {Clickless #REVIEW}

I am girl that loves her heels. This love started when I was in college. I had a roomie who always looks so cute.  She wore her expensive jeans and her expensive heels and sprayed herself with expensive perfume. She was a doctors daughter. She was always put together and the boys noticed. That is when I got a great idea…maybe if I wore high heels too the boys would notice me. I bought some pretty great pairs of shoes that year. I could never bring myself to buy the expensive shoes, jeans, or perfume but I made due and low and behold I caught a guy.  (my hubby!)

Ladies, heels are magic!  I swear by them.  They make your legs look longer.They lift your booty up. They make you feel powerful. Don’t believe me?  Buy a pair and see for yourself.  If you are single maybe you will catch a guyOne thing I love about high heels is the sound they make. Click, click. Click, click. I think that part makes me feel sexy, powerful, and fancy. Even though I love the clicking noise, there are definitely times that I wish they were quiet. More times than not actually.Clickless recognizes that there are a lot of times when your loud heels are distracting, not sexy. Picture an airport.  That is a lot of clicks to get to the plane. Picture church.  Clicking in the middle of someone talking, distracting. Everyone turns and looks at you coming in late.  Picture the office. No one wants to hear you frequent trips to the copy room.

Clickless is the revolutionary simple accessory that silences your footsteps when you walk in stilettos.

“The two-part solution consists of an adhesive sole pad and a color-matching heel protector cap.”  You will never even notice them on your shoes.  “The heel cap comes in three colors (black, neutral and dark brown) and two sizes (x-small and small).” See this brown heel on the left?  That is my actual shoe sporting Clickless. Can’t hardly tell huh!?  It is just a little cap that slips over the heel. They are removable so you can switch them from pair to pair. There is also an adhesive sole pad. Just peel the backing off and stick it to the ball of your shoe.  This isn’t removable, so what I did was pick my slipperiest pair of heels and put the pad on.

A little extra traction just adds to the quiet factor.

“Each package consists of two size variations to ensure the most snug and appealing fit for your high heel stiletto. That’s four heel protectors and four sole pads, enough for two pairs of stiletto high heels.” I always have a problem with my heels wearing down.  I take my shoes in to get fixed often.  Clickless is also a resolution for worn heels!  Just look at this picture.  The shoe on the left has the Clickless heel cap on it and the shoe on the right just had the heel replaced.  See! There really isn’t that much of a difference! Clickless comes in 4 difference sizes. The x-small package includes sizes 1 and 2 and the small package includes sizes 3 and 4. Each package is $12.95.  Not bad huh!

I wasn’t sure what my heels were (and I was too lazy to measure  ha ha) so I went with the x-small package in black.  Turns out I don’t have any size 1 heels.  Most of mine are 2′s. I have some that are thick but I am not sure if they would be a 3 or a 4. So I made a good guess. I am going to wear the heck out of the size 2 heel caps! Hey! Maybe I have an excuse to by another pair of heels!  After all I can’t just let those size 1 caps go to waste I could also use some Clickless in nude…okay, and dark brown. I will take one of each please.

Size 2 heels are on the right.

GREAT NEWS!  Today Clickless if giving Real Moms readers 25% off!  Use the code realmom until That is less than $10 for two pairs of Clickless!

Awesome!  Can you say stocking stuffers!?

Clickless is such a great product!  Seriously!  I won’t ever go anywhere without them…unless I just want to be annoying


Crissa graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in Home and Family Living…the mom degree! Shortly after she found her dream guy and married. She is now the mother of a fabulous little boy!. She loves shopping, baking, getting pampered, blogging, chocolate, exercising, and traveling. This site receives free products and other forms of compensation for posting. See the Real Moms Real Views disclosure & giveaway rules here.

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