Safe Computer Play for Kids! {Fooz Kids Review}


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Thank you to Fooz Kids for providing me with an All-In-One pack to review. The opinions I’ve expressed here are solely my own and represent my honest viewpoint.I have always been one to be nervous when kids are online searching the web. Now that I have kids of my own, I was not sure I would ever let them online to use the internet. Especially not without me sitting right next to them. In this day and age it’s just too dangerous to let kids online alone.
I was recently introduced to Fooz Kids and had the opportunity to test it out first hand with my little guy who is almost three years old.

How it works:

Fooz Kids is an application that you download onto your desktop which provides a safe environment that you as parents have complete control over. You choose what they can see and watch. Then they can play safely on your desktop without having to access your internet browser.My little guy loves that he can use the computer all by himself. He can watch his favorite videos and play his favorite games. He feels so special using mommy’s computer all by himself and I feel 100% safe letting be on it!Once your children are done using the application they can’t exit it without you typing in your parent password. So they can only access Fooz Kids and nothing else. I love this application and highly recommend it to all Real Moms with kiddos!

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