Pure Bliss Born Free Nursing Pillow Review

21 weeks today. My belly is growing by the week and there’s no hiding the bump anymore. We found out a couple weeks ago that we are having a girl and boy are we excited!! This is the first Granddaughter for my parents, and man is my Mom ever excited! I just got back from visiting them for a couple of weeks and we did a lot of shopping, scouring Pinterest for nursery themes and buying fabric for drapes. I am SO excited for this little Miss! Things are coming together and I am ready to get started on the nursery!  On the way home I made a last minute stop for a couple of nights at my in-laws to see a nephew and his wife… who is also preggers. She is 7 weeks ahead of me (Lucky!) and we had lots of fun talking babies and nursery ideas and such! All this planning and talking has really got me in full baby mode. I’ve been thinking back to when Peanut was a new born and all the stressful, and exciting things I learned about being a new mom.

One thing I was thinking about was nursing. Peanut was in the NICU for almost 3 weeks after having emergency surgery after he was born. This was such a stressful time. The one silver lining to the whole thing was that I was basically taught how to nurse by the lactation staff while he was in there. This was such a lifesaver. There are so many little things that can make nursing go from so-so to super successful and it was great to have “hands on” help to make sure I got it right. One thing that really makes a big difference is to have a good nursing pillow. Something that is super supportive so that you can get baby up to the proper level, instead of having to end up sloughing down, which can take a major toll on your back and neck. Recently, I was generously given the opportunity to take a look at a nursing pillow that I can’t wait to put to the test in a couple of months. The Bliss feeding pillow from Born Free is a new Mom’s dream. This innovative, three stage pillow is fully customizable for each stage of babie’s growth, ensuring you always have the perfect angle for your needs.

(In the picture above, the feeding pillow has the dots, the nurture boost is cream, and the newborn mat is teal.)
At the first stage, mom uses the Feeding Pillow, Nurture Boost, and a newborn mat—this slightly firmer surface helps baby stay awake while feeding.For the second stage, mom uses the Feeding Pillow and Nurture Boost—a small pillow that allows you to give baby just that perfect incline for feeding. And even better: it can be used on the left or right to accommodate your feeding needs.By the third stage, growing babies can use the Feeding Pillow on its own. This contoured pillow offers the comfort of just-right height for mom and baby during feeding.I had a Boppy that was given to me when Peanut was born, and let me tell you, there is no comparison! This pillow is Real Mom Recommended!  The Bliss is full and supportive and the newborn mat is perfect for when those newborns are tiny and can be hard to get in the right position. I am really looking forward to using this pillow! This would also be great for Dad to use when giving a bottle.This Bliss nursing pillow is available in stores and online from these select retailers and retails for $59.99. This investment is well worth is considering the average newborn nurses an average of 8-10 hours a day during the first few months! So grab a glass of water, put on your favorite show, and relax into pure Bliss while your nurse your new little one!

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