Professional house cleaners share their best cleaning tips

House Cleaning Just got easier — and maybe a lot more fun?

Modern homeowners are too busy to spend coffee klatches sharing cleaning tips for cleaning services in marysville. TODAY asked Jan M. Dougherty (who has been running their own cleaning business for decades) for their tips for house cleaning. You can now become a pro at your next housecleaning session.

1. Dougherty, author of The Lost Art of Housecleaning, said that you should keep your cleaning tools in the same place where they will be used. “You can’t do much with the product without the rags!

2. Reduce the number of products you use. Dougherty only uses three products to clean dirt and grease off almost all surfaces.

3. Get rubber gloves and microfiber towels. Microfiber cloths can be used for most tasks, from cleaning the kitchen to dusting in the bathroom.

4. Turn up the music loud. Cleaning ladies love to have fun while cleaning. Dougherty advised, “Play music that makes you want and moves your heart rate,” Dougherty added. It should be loud enough that you can hear it above the vacuum.

5. Do not put off cleaning bathtubs and showers. Use a product that you are familiar with and a microfiber towel. It covers more surface, faster, and in a shorter time.

6. Do not clean if it is super-light. Because after 3 p.m., the light fades and dirt isn’t as visible at 10 a.m.

7. Do not get caught up in cleaning out clutter. McGee stated, “Until you are able to spend a whole day getting your clutter undercontrol, work around it.” Pick up any mail, magazines or other clutter and clean it all. Then move on. Then, plan a separate time for your clutter. Also, devise a way to keep it under control.

8. A cleaning strategy is a way to organize your house. Dougherty cleans, for instance, from the top to the bottom, the back of a room towards the front and then in “slices” moving in one direction, ending on the floor. Dougherty stated that if you start high in a room all dirt will fall onto the things you haven’t cleaned yet.

She suggests that you walk around your room to determine the “slices”. You should visualize areas no larger than your arms, or as defined by furniture. Next, clean each slice thoroughly and completely, starting at the top, just like professional cleaners.

Dougherty stated that “the simplicity of ‘the pathway’ is that once you have finished a slice, there’s no need to think. You just keep moving forward.” It is clear what you need to do right now and what you should do next.

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