My Ten Tips For A Cleaner, Greener Home!

These days you hear a lot about people going “Green”. We too are trying to use less and waste less in our home. I am also trying to buy products that are “Green” when it comes to cleaning my home. I do not like the idea of harsh chemicals on my floors and appliances for my little ones to touch, then they proceed to put their little chubby fists in their mouths and…. I also want to help protect our environment. I want there to be so many natural resources still available when my children get older and have kids of their own.

My top ten tips for a cleaner “greener” home:

1-Look for “Green”: Make a goal to stop buying “harsh chemical cleaners” today! When you are at your Super Center look for “Green” on the label. There are so many choices now that are good for the environment and good for your home too! You can also buy cleaners online…like check out Mrs. Meyers where you can pick up anything from baby soap to household cleaners that leave your home clean and smelling great!
2-Reuse, Reuse, Reuse: I can’t emphasize enough the importance of reusing everything from paper towels to paper cups. I am working on this right now with my hubby. He tends to be a “user” so I am trying to teach him to conserve by reusing his glasses again and again. That way I don’t have to run the dishwasher as much and I am saving water and energy.
3-Make your own Cleaning supplies: Did you know that you can make your own cleaners out of common items you have around your home? Well you can. For instance you can make a drainer opener by dissolving 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar in boiling water, then proceed to flush down the drain with warm water until the clog is gone. There are so many ways to make your own cleaners. Simply google “make your own green cleaning products” and you are sure to find lots of recipes. You can see more cleaner recipes here at Green Home Living.
4-Updating old appliances: I know you think to yourself “that costs money” but when it comes down to it your older appliances are sucking so much energy and increasing your energy bills. By simply updating outdated old appliances like your fridge you can save a lot of money in the long run.
5-Save Water: I remember my mom saying this over and over again when we were young. She was always telling us to conserve water. She taught us to always turn off the tap when brushing our teeth, and only using enough water to bath ourselves clean. We didn’t need a whole tub full. Now I try to conserve water by taking shorter showers. A great way to teach your kids to take shorter showers is to use a timer and they set it and when it dings they are DONE!
6-Have you heard of “green paint”? I hadn’t until I went to the local hardware store a few weeks ago. I wanted to paint my entry way and was introduced to safer paints. They feature zero or lower VOC’s which in turn help the environment by not putting off indoor air pollution which is then released outdoors.
7-Gardening: I love to garden, there is such a great fulfillment out of being able to reap the rewards of your labors. I love seeing my flowers bloom while sitting on a vase on my counter and tasting my fresh fruits and veggies at the dinner table knowing that I grew them. A great way to help “green” your garden is to make your own compost. You can put a compost barrel right in your back yard where you put leftovers and items that will biodegrade and make the best compost for your gardens.
8-Turn off the lights & replace light bulbs: Have you made the switch to CFL’s yet? My dad actually introduced my family to them. He switched out all the bulbs in his home with CFL’s and reported that he is now saving $17 per month on his electricity bill compared to when he had the old bulbs up. So not only is he making his home more green but he is keeping more green in his wallet.
9-Want a tax break? Check out your states tax credits available for greening up your home. You can cash in on a refund from adding insulation to your home, replacing old windows, and even for getting new efficient appliances. Last year we got an air conditioner and saved some moolah on our taxes. A win win situation for me!
10-How about skipping the bottled water? I have to admit I once was a “water bottle snob”. I thought that was the only way that I could drink water. Then I was introduced to the Zero Water pitcher and haven’t gone back. I simply fill it up with my tap water, it filters it, and I then pour it into my reusable water bottle. This is such a great thing that I plan on teaching my kids about when they are old enough to understand.
With so many options now in the stores, and things I can do around my own home, I am happy to say we are becoming a “Greener” family. I can feel good about helping my family and helping the environment. So please try and do your part.

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