My Dreams And Plans

My life can become so hectic and chaotic all year long. I balance two work at home jobs, along with a new baby, hubby, and a toddler. With the New Year coming I really want to put some balance in our lives.Here is my plan. Organize, Prioritize, and Implementing Structure in our home.First off I want to get organized. Making lists is always hard for me but I plan to do this. I even went out last week and purchased a calendar. That way I can write everything down that is going on and I know everyday just by opening it up. It is going to sit on my kitchen counter so I will remember to use it. Second, I want to organize my home. Over the last year I was pregnant for 8 of the months, so our house became….well a MESS! That is saying the least about it. I want to go through all of my closets and get everything in order.

I plan to put everything we don’t need or use in a pile in the basement and I am going to have a BIG garage sale this spring. That way I can take the extra money to pay for all the items I will need to get organized!
Prioritizing is a big thing I want to work on. Sometimes I get very caught up in the little things in life that I forget what is really important. I stress over small things when I really need to step back and look at the whole picture. I am going to make sure that I put everything that has to do with my family FIRST! Then everything else will fall by the wayside or even drop out of my life. I am so excited to set aside time for just Me and my Family. No computer, no cell phone, just family.Next I want to implement structure in our home. I want to take my organizing and prioritizing and implement them. Schedules on the fridge, notes on the counter, and a schedule for my little kiddos. I find myself throwing bottles around, and putting on DVD’s so I can get things done. I want to get a structured schedule going for my kids. So they eat, play, sleep on time. This one is going to be a challenge but I really want to do it. I am going to make some notes and hang them on the fridge and mirror’s so I remember what I want to accomplish.
Do you have any goals or plans for 2011? We would love for you to share them with us. Maybe I will even take a few of your suggestions and implement them in my life. I love your feedback and you always spark my mind when you leave a comment.

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