Moms Just Wanna Have Fun

You’ve heard it all before: “Don’t go in hot tubs!”, “You really shouldn’t eat sushi.” “Sorry. No roller coasters for you.” You’re a capable and intelligent woman. You know taking safety precautions while pregnant is an absolute must; but it doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun from time to time. With all the restrictions and pregnancy no-no’s out there, we thought we’d offer up some activity ideas you can enjoy while pregnant. We can’t promise you’ll feel the same adrenaline rush you had on your last sky diving experience; but we hope this will at least inspire to get out and live a little more.

Picnic anyone?

Can you remember the last time you had a picnic?  Get out to your favorite local park and pack a blanket and basket full of goodies.   It’ll be a great way to relax and spend some much needed pre-baby time with your significant other or girlfriends.   Plus it’s bound to take your mind off prenatal vitamins and kegel exercises for a good while.

“Say Cheese”

There are so many precious moments ahead of you.  Be prepared to capture them.  Photography is a fun hobby that many people can master with enough practice.  Ritz Camera and several other camera shops often offer free lessons on how to use those big, fancy SLR cameras.  Check it out.

Handle a spatula

Tap into your inner Julia Child by trying out foods & recipes you’ve never cooked before.  What a great opportunity to practice making nutritious meals for your little one!   And don’t forget to include Dad in on the learning experience,  because you’ll probably need him to be the iron chef on nights when you’re preoccupied with mommy business.

Put your game face on!

Invite some friends over and play your favorite board games.  It may have been a while since you’ve opened the dusty Taboo and Scattergories boxes, but once you start, you’ll remember just how fun they are.

How crafty are you?

Lots of moms take up knitting while pregnant. It’s fun, easy, and can be very rewarding when you dress baby with his/her first booties made my mommy. There are tons of fun, DIY projects to look into. Visit an arts & crafts store to get those creative juices flowing.

Let the festivities begin!

Festivals are great fun and can be very enlightening. They can also be a great source of inspiration for the DIY projects. There’s bound to be unique hand-crafted items for sale, cultural or artistic displays, and did I mention food? Interested but not sure where to look? . They keep a calendar of events for every state.

3-2-1 ACTION!

Call your best buds and host a movie night! Going to the theater is fun, but it can be tough to follow a movie when you feel like you’re getting up to pee every five minutes.  We recommend seeing a short film (there are great ones out there!) or watch at home where you can control the remote. Stumped on what to watch? Try one of the suggestions from our “Top 10 Pregnancy Movies of All Time.”

Rhyme Time

Did you know you can attend FREE poetry readings at your local library and/or book store?  Even if you aren’t a fan of creative writing, you’ll be surprised at the sentimentality of spoken word… especially when you’re experiencing something as poetic as carrying a new life. And who knows, maybe you’ll even leave writing some of your own!

Water you waiting for?

Swimming is a fun, safe, and fabulous way to exercise while pregnant!  Find an indoor pool this season or sign up for a prenatal swim class at your local gym.  Of course, check with your OBGYN first if you have any concerns about the nature of the sport.   In need of some cute & affordable swimwear?

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