Miss Kiki Of Cherry Blossom Lane

Having a daughter is so much fun. Painting our nails, fixing our hair, Ava and I love to do all the typical girly things together and I love every second of sharing that time with her. It’s so special. Every once in a while I really love to spoil her with a special toy that I know will be kept forever and remind both her and I of a specific time in her childhood. Miss Kiki of Cherry Blossom Lane offers just that, one of a kind, luxury dolls for girls.MISS KIKI of Cherry Blossom Lane Bespoke collection of unique, petite one of a kind luxury companion dolls.As soon as her Miss Kiki of Cherry Blossom Lane one of a kind doll arrived, Ava was smitten. She held her Olivia doll so gently and just kept saying how beautiful she was. Her sweet yellow pigtails, red ribbons, paisley dress with lace trim, and pink and white striped legs really are an adorable combination. Since receiving her doll, she has quickly become a favorite playtime, bedtime, and take along pal of hers.

Anytime we leave the house she wants her doll to tag along. It’s really cute that at almost seven years old she is still so into dolls and stuffed animals. I will keep her little as long as possible, please. I will hear her playing with her dolls and go peek in her room; she is so engaged with some imaginary story she has going on with her doll “friends”. I love to see her imagination at work. I was instantly pleased with the high quality and unique design of the doll from Miss Kiki of Cherry Blossom Lane. They doll is adorable and styled so cute;  you can tell by looking at it that it’s not a doll you will find in your local toy store on every shelf. She is extremely pretty and the sewn eyes and lip details are too precious. Ava has had many a little one eyeing her new doll when we’ve been out and about; definitely a little girl magnet! A doll from Miss Kiki of Cherry Blossom Lane would be an amazingly special gift for any child. Dolls are toys that allow children to play and put that wild imagination to good use! No batteries required; watch your child’s imagination come to life while they play with a Miss Kiki of Cherry Blossom Lane doll! You will love it as much as they do!Keep up with all things Miss Kiki of Cherry Blossom Lane by “liking” them on Facebook and following them on Twitter.Miss Kiki of Cherry Blossom Lane is Real Mom Recommended!

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