Making Life Easier Officiallatte

As a mom, I am sure you can agree with me when I say I am always on the go. Are you an on the go mom? From sports, activities, and grocery shopping I am always on the move. Not to mention all the other errands like running to the bank or mall. This summer I am trying to find ways to make my life more efficient and down right easier for me and my family.

Here’s my top ten tips that I am going to implement this summer:

1- Mapping out my errand running. It seems that every time I am out and about I always end up back tracking here and there to get something on my list that I forgot. I am going to start mapping out my destinations so I can save on gas and time.

2- Packing food when I am on the go. I plan on taking a cooler with me in my car, that way I won’t be tempted to stop at the fast food chain, or buy some over priced soft drink. I will have a sandwich and snacks for the kiddos and we will save lots of money by not eating out. Seattle’s Best Coffee now offers on the go Seattle’s Best Coffee Iced Latte. Sounds Yummy!

3- Instead of running to the bank or local business office to pay a bill, I am going to start paying them online. I have talked to family members who do all of their bill pay online and they say they love it. It will save gas and time which is great.

4- Keeping a calendar. This way we won’t miss a doctor’s appointment or meeting. I plan on putting it in the car and on the fridge where I can see it daily. This will help us become much more efficient in our appointments.

5- Planning meals with a calendar. Many times I find us eating out or wondering what to make for dinner. Especially when we are super busy with activities going on. If I map out a monthly calendar for meals we are sure to stick to it, and I can plan easier meal preps on busier days.

6- Only run errands and hit the grocery store once a week. This one will be a harder one to stick too, but if I can do it I will save money on gas and certainly have more time for other family activities. I am going to pick one morning each week to run my errands and get everything at once.

7- Buying bulk. We always go through a ton of crackers and snacks in our home. I am going to start buying pretzels in the bulk pack along with cookies, etc. and separating them into baggies with dates. That way we can save money, because they are cheaper when buying in big quantities versus buying a small box at double the price each week.

8- Using my technology to my advantage. Too many times I make things more difficult that they have to be. If I were to use my computer to map out a driving plan, or keep track of appointments I would be much more efficient. Sometimes I am tech illiterate and I plan on learning more and implementing more in my everyday life to make things easier.

9-Taking a walk daily. I know I am very busy, but if I take a walk with my kids, or my dog each day it will give me time to unwind from all the stress and actually get some good much needed exercise.

10-Implement a chore chart. We have a zillion things to do around the house. From laundry and dishes to cleaning and meal making. I am going to make a chart where I assign everybody (including my hubby! LOL) chores for the day. My kids are young and I think it’s the perfect time to start teaching them responsibility. As moms we can share tips and ideas to help everyone’s lives to be a little well less hectic. What are some tips you can share with us to help make your summer more efficient while on the go? We would love to hear them.

About Seattle’s Best Coffee

As coffee blenders and roasters since 1970, we’ve seen a lot come and go. We went from a tiny shop on the Seattle waterfront to being declared Seattle’s Best Coffee in a local competition. In 2003, we joined the Starbucks family which has allowed us to place more resources into further honing our special way of crafting delicious, impossibly smooth coffee. Every step of the process, from coffee cherry to your cup, is managed to fit our exacting standards and our premium approach to coffee. Now, we’re making it easier to find your perfect coffee with our new Level System.

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