3 Bamboo Applications That Will Make Your Neighbors Jealous

Who does not like to be appreciated for his taste in interior and other constriction related everyday issues? But, finding the right materials and checking on new entries in the market is something smart people prefer. Bamboo was introduced as a house interior not long ago, but now it has become the primary choice of interior designers and builders for that matter. Many applications were suggested while introducing bamboo in the market, but it seems bamboo has found its place in this world of constant changes. Read on to know some of the path-breaking applications of bamboo in your house and mark a few for your future use.

  • Enhancing Display

Rare thick bamboo is often advised to be intended for floor-to-ceiling as an exclusive partition or display between two rooms. For protection again moisture and reduction of maintenance due to direct impact, one can use protective resins to embed Bamboo Canes into. The partitions created by bamboo give your house a greyish old-school feel of the old era and also preserve your privacy. The effective weight of a bamboo display is far less than a glass display or other partition materials. Choose bamboo to win the title of a novel interior artist and feel like making your own sanctuary. Interestingly, bamboo displays or partitions can be ready at a cost that’s half of the cost incurred for a traditional display.

  • Bamboo Blinds

Just like bamboo displays, this also happens to be an innovation of bamboo applications by interior designers. This means this was not actually the purpose of why bamboos were introduced. Bamboos were originally presented as timber decking in Perth Or, at most these bamboos were used as flooring materials. But these days, bamboos can be used as sustainable blinds. Donning a delicate appearance, strong bamboo logs can give the basic solitude to your widows or terrace. There is no active maintenance cost of bamboo which means bamboo blinds are maintenance-free and easy to clean as well. The biggest advantage of using bamboo cans as blinds is that it has that subtle appeal to take your off from your connection to this world to a place where solace is yours. 

  • Kitchen Countertops

As emphasized earlier, bamboo was intended as decking or flooring materials but now there is an entire range of innovative bamboo applications. Bamboo planks for kitchen platforms are one such state-of-the-art application of bamboo. Often known as eco-friendly countertops, these are garnering a positive response from the consumers. Since bamboo is a low-maintenance and moisture-resistant material, making a kitchen platform out of bamboo is an award-winning thought.  Moreover, since you must have semi-glossy details in your kitchens such as stainless steel sinks and cabinet, bamboo can act as a contrasting element to that gloss. Plus, making a dining table platform out of bamboo is a good idea.

Bamboo is and always will be an astonishment whenever it will be used in interiors, it is up to you whether or not to bring this astonishment home.

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