Lost Pacifer

For anyone with a baby that uses a pacifier…this is for you! We are well into month 2 with Bug. She is learning to sleep in her own room by herself…(finally!) and is nursing great and growing like a weed! Still, she definitely has her cranky moments and loves her “bink”…most of the time. I have a couple that I keep around, and inevitably I’m usually searching for one when the other one goes missing, or gets lost in the blanket, or in her swing, or when Peanut decides to carry it away! When she is screaming for it, then the stress factor escalates dramatically and I’m usually left running around, searching madly for it! Anyone relate to that? I have a great solution. I was given the  chance to try out a great product called Wubanub. It’s part pacifier, part plush animal. Developed by a mom who was sick of loosing her baby’s pacifier, she got frustrated on a family vacation, took the hotel sewing kit and sewed the pacifier right onto her baby’s favorite lovie. Problem solved! I was a little skeptical of how bug would like this… she is quite happy with her current binks, but to my surprise she LOVES her Wub!

The bink portion is a Soothie™ medical grade, latex free pacifier and is BPA, PVC and phthalate free. They are the binks that are distributed in the NICU’s! The plush is super soft and the weight and size are carefully calculated to keep the WubbaNub Pacifier near baby’s mouth, whether in the car seat, baby sling, carrier and stroller and even while you hold your baby! We’ve been working with Bug on getting her to hold it with both hands…she’s still learning but sometimes she will grasp it. When she gets older I’m sure she will have no trouble holding it! However, she always is eager to work on it  and really goes to town when we give it to her! Wubanubs are distributed in hospitals, NICU’s and well-baby units and knowing this gives me great peace of mind! I also love that the durable one piece construction means that there won’t be any germs hiding between the cracks so her Wub will stay cleaner. They can be hand washed or thrown in the washing machine, so cleaning them is a snap!We choose the pink cat Wub. There are quite a few animals to choose from too! Wubanubs are sold at select baby boutiques around the country. They are also available online though select retailers and Amazon. Wubanub is REAL Mom Recommended and retail for around $12, which is perfect if you find yourself in a jam and need to replace one!

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