Little Corners That Matter Much— Tips To Keep Your Home Sparkling Clean!

A home is the most secure place on Earth for us! This should also be the safest and cleanest place. This is where we reside with our caring family, little kids and pets! Who would like themselves or their loved ones to be harmed in their own space? No one can even think of it!

Yes, your home can harm you if it isn’t looked after and cleaned properly. There may be various corners or your house that is perhaps a source of infections and harmful germs, which are enough to make you ill. Understanding the need to clean that space and keeping it sanitised and hygienic is important for a healthy and safe lifestyle.

 Some space in your home that needs thorough cleaning: 

Though the entire house should be cleaned and sanitised regularly for safe and healthy surroundings, some sections of the home demand more attention and a better cleaning. Let’s read what those areas are:

  • Carpets — Your carpets can make your home plush and luxurious. On the flip side, if you do not maintain it well, the carpet starts getting dull, and also starts accumulating a lot of moisture. This makes germs breed on them, dust accumulating on them, debris getting trapped in them, and so on – eventually this leads to musty smell and dilapidated look. Gradually, the whole air in your home gets affected. When your kids and pets come in contact with it, they breathe the harmful fumes and touch those dirt and dust absorbed in it. This can be extremely harsh on their health.  It is therefore very necessary to call for Carpet Cleaning Services in Perth WA. Carpet Cleaning for Perth offers professional cleaning services that can clean and refresh your carpets thoroughly and perfectly, eradicating all the signs of germs and dirt from it.
  • Balcony and window cleaning — A balcony is from where you’ll be getting all those harmful chemicals and pollutants present in the air, especially in the metropolitan cities. The industrial smoke, the pollution from vehicles enter your home from here. It’s one of the biggest reasons for respiratory diseases and infection. As these get settled on your window panes and grills, they have every reason of harming you and your loved ones. Cleaning them regularly prevents the heavy build-up of these harsh chemicals. Plant some plants on the balconies to absorb the harmful air pollutants and give out oxygen. 
  • Washroom Did you know the washrooms have at least 50% more germ build-up in the home as compared to other parts of the house? In the case of drainage problem here or the septic system not being updated, the situation worsens. Keep a check on it regularly by using the best cleaning agents that are harsh on germs along with ample attention on proper drainage and sewerage.
  • Outdoor area — The outdoor area is where you would be able to see a lot of dust and dirt even with your naked eyes. A thorough washing done of your backyard, deck, patio, verandah is necessary to keep it tidy and dirt free. Also, pressure washing is recommended to wash away the accumulation of debris and dust.
  • Garden cleaning — Your gardens should be cleaner for a healthy home too. There can be a rise of insects and other pests if these are not cleaned timely. Clean the weeds, keep a lookout for animals who may be building homes there. Use eco-friendly pesticides to keep pests at bay without harming your environment.
  • Deep cleaning the kitchen —Another important area of your house that needs constant attention and cleaning up is your kitchen. Never stack used utensils for long, wash them with a germ-killing organic washing liquid and store them only when dry! Be sure to check the corners for crumbs and food particles, and clean it daily, as stale food attracts insects a lot. Always be sure to use the chimneys and exhaust fans to prevent excess smoke in the place. And of course remember to have these two cleaned at regular intervals.
  • Roof cleaning —Your roof and gutters need to be cleaned once in a while to avoid any kind of jamming and overflowing of dirty water. Failing this, there may be entry of harmful insects, reptiles, dirty water and debris in your home, which can be really hazardous. This can also lead to your indoors getting infected and formation of mould.

In addition to these, make sure you ventilate and air out your home regularly and clean all vents (radiator, cooler etc.). Simple measures done right at the proper time will make your home a safe haven for you and your family. 

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