Keeping A Happy Family! FarmRichSnacks

What is your key to happiness?

It’s so great to be able to connect with so many mom’s through the wonderful world of blogging. I love that I am able to get advice on everything from parenting to cleaning and so much more. We are able to connect and share how we run our daily lives, to how we save money on a budget, and even shopping with coupons. There are so many rich resources at our finger tips when we communicate with one another.

I have a question for all of you wonderful mommy’s: “How do you keep your family happy?” For me, it is keeping my kiddos on a daily routine. We get up at approximately the same time everyday. We eat breakfast and lunch at the same time, take baths, and go to bed at a certain time. Don’t get me wrong we have plenty of free time in between where we go to the park or we take a sporadic trip to town and the store. We even hit a movie every now and then. My families happiness means everything to me. I mean my most important job right now is taking care of them. Being a Stay at home mom I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to help in their  We stay on a structured schedule when it comes to eating and napping. That’s what keeps my family happy. Because believe me, I know what it’s like to not be on a schedule with a 6 month old and a 2 year old. When we don’t stick to this routine…..HELL-O!!! Watch Out!!! Literally. Kids will be screaming because they are tired and hungry and it’s a whole huge mess. It makes me want to pull my hair out.

Another thing I like to do is leave little notes for my hubby. He works so hard to provide for all of our family, and I like to make sure he knows just how important he is to us. He is so wonderful when he is home too! He always makes time to play with our little guy in the backyard, and make our little girl giggle. He loves his kiddos so much and I am extra grateful for him and all his  What things make you and your family happy in your daily routines? Do you have any helpful advice for keeping your kids and family happy? Share them with us. We love hearing from you. {I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Farm Rich blogging program, for a gift card worth $25.

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