Jump-A-long With New DVDs {JumpSport iBounce #REVIEW & #GIVEAWAY}

Children have so much energy! I keep hearing jokes that children are little mechanics syphening energy from their mommys and daddy’s;  I couldn’t agree more! The more energy my two have the less I seem to have! I don’t know about you, but I am constantly trying to find ways to burn off some of this never ending energy and the JumpSport iBounce Kids Trampoline has been a great way for my two to get out some wiggles! My children have been loving their JumpSport iBounce  Kids Trampoline for the past several months! It is set up in our family room and they are always jumping on it and sitting on it; definitely enjoying every second on it! You can read my full review on the JumpSport iBounce Kids Trampoline here. Along with our trampoline we were sent a darling video featuring Rompy Roo, an adorable kangaroo friend! The kids really got excited when I would put in the Hop-a-Long with Rompy Roo DVD and they could do just that; hop along!

Ava and Hollis were definitely thrilled to receive two new DVDs to hop-a-long to on their iBounce Kids Trampoline! They are Episode 2- Let the Games Begin and Episode 3 – The Grand Finale. As soon as the DVDs arrived both kids were dying to start bouncing and I couldn’t get them in the DVD player fast enough! These DVDs didn’t disappoint and kept the kids engaged and bouncing along! Weeks after their arrival both of my little ones are still requesting them to accompany their bouncing; they really love Rompy Roo! While they are jumping and having a ball I feel so good knowing they are getting exercise, releasing energy {especially after being focused at school all day long} and yes, even learning! Education, fun, and exercise all rolled into one fun activity; a mama’s dream come true for her children! My kids love their JumpSport iBounce Kids Trampoline and the combination with the DVDs is perfect! You can also load the DVDs onto your tablet to be held by the tablet holder that can be attached to the iBounce. Simply load the video on your computer and transfer it to your tablet for some big time bouncing fun! If you are already starting your holiday shopping for your children or any children in your life, check out the JumpSport iBounce Kids Trampoline! It will be a hit this holiday season!

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