I Am I doing this MOM THING right allways

Since I was a child, I have always wanted to be a mom. Growing up in a 7-child family, I saw my mother, who is a saint disguised- completely rock motherhood. My mom could do anything, which made me want to be like her. My mom  EUR(TM), my mother’s high heels, was what I wore as a child, and I thought I was the best thing in the world, a mother. I spent hours fantasizing about being a mother, baking fancy cakes, folding laundry and grocery shopping. My friends wanted me to become teachers, ballerinas or fashion designers, but I knew that I wanted to be a mom at home.

When I was 21, my dream became a reality when my husband and I had our first child, a boy with big blue eyes. Ten years later, we now have four children, three boys and one girl. We are grateful for the wonderful life we have been given. Our marriage has become more love-filled over the years. We have a lovely home and great jobs, and our children are all healthy and happy. I live the fairytale of motherhood that I imagined so many years ago.

I didn’t anticipate the mountain of guilt I would feel each day. Every pregnancy test, positive or not, every child born, every step taken, every birthday celebrated, and every report card received brings those feelings of self-doubt and doubt. You are probably a mother, and you will know what  talking about.

The Creative Mom’s 

I am referring to those thoughts that I did na t do enough or that I did not do enough. Or that I could have done more. Maybe I should have let my guard down a bit. , I’m certain  am doing the mom thing wrong. I let my children watch too much TV, or am too strict about their screen time. Either I donate , have my camera in my pocket when I should, or , am too camera-happy and lose the joy of living in the present. , I am either too late or too early to do everything. It doesn’t matter because itaEUR , it’s my turn to bring the treats. , I know I dona EUR , exercise enough, eat cleanly enough, and wear the right makeup. Sometimes, I donate t make my children brush their teeth at night. It isnaEUR (TM),t worth it, and tm am sure theya EUR/tm will have poor oral health. I have na EUR (TM), if not two years, not even a year since I last went to the salon. It makes me feel lazy, but will probably wait another six months just in case I am too busy. Although my house is messy, I refuse to clean it. Pinterest says that happy moms have sticky floors and happy children. We all know I want a good mother. It never ends, my goodness!

The day I finally decided enough was enough, I still remember it. My children were starting school. We had to manage football, tumbling soccer, piano, scouts, and church responsibilities, and also had soccer, scouts and piano. I felt overwhelmed, , and ran out of time to get to the next place. It was a nightmare to return home that night to find dirty dishes, peas that my toddler had scattered all over the floor at lunchtime, and an endless laundry pile. I also didn’t know what I was making for dinner. I had already bought pizza two nights earlier that week, which was out of the question. My husband was home by then, so I arrived at the house to find him already done the dishes, had all the peas swept up and was folding the laundry. My heart would have broken into a million pieces, and I would have been overwhelmed with gratitude. I was furious! Because I’m a stay-at-home mom, it was no surprise that I was furious. I should have handled this situation. My husband shouldn’t have to return home from work to take care of my responsibilities. It made me feel so useless and angry. You can be sure that I gave him a great lecture about washing dishes for other people without them asking and sweeping the floors without worrying about how it would affect me. He was a real gentleman. His response was simple: wanted you to be happier.

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