How To Teach Kids Gardening, Make Learning Fun!

Gardening is an incredibly fun and rewarding experience. Not only can it be fun and relaxing, but can also save you money if you grow your own food. Gardening also comes along with many potential health benefits, as well.

With all of these benefits and advantages of gardening, it is no surprise that gardening is incredibly popular. While it is normally adults or teens that have gardens, anyone can learn to love gardening. Even children can be taught to learn how to tend to and care for a garden. However, children are notoriously difficult to teach some new things. So how are you supposed to teach them to garden?

With that in mind, this blog post is going to look at a few helpful tips to assist you in teaching your children gardening.

Choose Plants and Flowers That Interest Your Child

The first way to help your children to learn to garden is to choose to plant things that they like. Children will be more willing to plant and care for seeds if they know it will become something they like in the future. This could be anything from planting flowers they find pretty, to planting food that they like to eat.

No matter what your seed needs are, there is a good chance you will be able to easily and quickly find the right seeds that you need. Of course, be sure your climate, soil and garden are appropriate for that plant, as not everything can grow everywhere. Also, choosing plants that are easy to grow is usually a good idea.

Get Them Their Own Tools

While children might be interested in gardening, it can still take some convincing to get them to actually participate. A great way to potentially do this is to get them their own tools. Children love gifts, and they will certainly want to put their new tools to use in the garden.

These tools can be purchased very affordably from many different places and can come in a variety of different colors. The things you should look for are gloves, a hoe, a shovel and other items you may need. If your child is stuck sharing your adult-sized and boring-colored tools, they might not be as interested in gardening as they could be.

Depending on the interests of your child, consider doing other things to make gardening fun as well. If not, your child could lose interest in gardening fairly quickly. Coming up with some games or giving them incentives to care for the garden can help make the process more fun for them.

Ensure They Are Involved in the Entire Process

Gardening is a long process, and your child could easily lose interest over time. The earlier you get them involved and the more invested they are, the better. While holding their interest for the multiple months that many plants take to grow isn’t always easy, it can be done. Ensure they help choose the seeds, choose the soil, plant the seeds, water the seeds and even help with harvesting.

This will help your child feel a sense of accomplishment, as well as learn the entire process of planting and harvesting. Doing this could also help your child learn important life lessons such as not giving up on things, seeing things through and learning responsibility.

In conclusion, there are many different ways to teach kids how to garden and make it fun. While it isn’t always easy, teaching your kids to garden can be a very fun and rewarding experience.


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