What Are Earwigs?

A pest control company, says there are over 1,500 species of earwigs. Only 20 are found in the United States. They can range in size from 14 inches to 2 inches.

Earwigs can be seen coming into moist areas when it is dry. Earwigs can have wings but aren’t the most graceful flyers. They prefer to stay closer to the ground.

You might be pinched if you come into contact with an earwig. However, the insect will not cause any harm or produce any poison. If attacked by certain species of earwigs, they will release a foul-smelling liquid to defend themselves. It is best to stay away from them.

Earwigs Invade Your House For A Reason.

Earwigs can be found outdoors, in moist areas such as your garden. Earwigs are night-bound insects that hide in cracks, under rocks, logs, and mulch. They will be attracted to light, so they might appear on your deck or porch on a summer evening.

They will usually make their way into your home due to changes in the weather. Earwigs prefer to be in cool, damp places so they can venture indoors to moist areas like the laundry room, bathroom, or kitchen.

Although earwigs can infest other areas of your home, they are not as common as other pests. They prefer to be in the garden where there is plenty of food. You will need to remove them from your garden.

Signs Of Earwigs

Earwigs prefer cool, damp places, such as under paving stones or tree bark, cracks in the soil, or deep within flowers. Although they are unlikely to infest your home, you might find some stragglers. If there is more than one, you can look for signs such as a foul odor, a strong attraction to bright light, dead plants, or cold and damp locations.

How to find earwigs at home

Even though your warm home may not be ideal for earwigs, there is still a possibility that they could enter your home. Earwigs can get into cracks, gaps, and holes. It is important to check doors and windows that aren’t well sealed, as well as unscreened vents and doors leading into crawl spaces. Earwigs can also be hidden in boxes, newspapers, lumber, books, and other materials. They can be attracted to light, so they can be brought indoors from their outdoor habitats.

How to find earwigs in your garden

Earwigs, although not something you want in your garden, are usually good for your garden. Earwigs are an omnivore, so they can cause significant damage to your plants. You can find them under rocks, in soil, or in other garden debris.

What Causes Earwigs To Die?

You should get rid of earwigs as soon as you see them in your garden. There are many ways to get rid of earwigs. You can use pesticides or traps.

Pesticides: Outdoor insecticides can contain seven, malathion or pyrethrins. Before you give your garden a full treatment, it is a good idea to test a small amount. It is best to apply pesticides in the evening before the earwigs start feeding.

To attract earwigs, you can place a piece of wet cardboard in your yard to attract them. You can also use tape or sticky barriers to keep them from climbing up the plants. To increase the effectiveness of these traps, you can place a bright light near them. To kill the earwigs, once you have trapped them, you can put them in a bucket of soapy hot water.

Natural methods: You don’t have to use pesticides to eliminate earwigs. Instead, try organic substances such as boric acid or diatomaceous Earth. To kill earwigs, sprinkle some diatomaceous Earth and boric acid powder in your garden. Be sure to do this even if pets or children are not present.

7 Ways To Get Rid Of Earwigs

Although earwigs aren’t as destructive as termites and carpenter bugs, they can be a nuisance. You will want to get rid of them quickly, just like any other pest. Here’s how you do it.

1. Maintain a neat yard.

Do you need some motivation to get your yard in order? Earwigs love to eat dead vegetation. However, they will scatter if their ground cover becomes disturbed. You can help keep them away by removing dead leaves and other yard debris. You can spray the soapy solution directly onto the plants if you find them in warm water.

2. Invite birds to your garden party.

Earwigs can be repulsive to some people, but they are delicious for birds. You can treat your birds to an earwig buffet by adding a birdbath or birdhouse to your garden.

3. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth (DE)

It is more effective in dry soil than it is in wet. This substance can also be used to control other insects, such as ants. Food-grade DE is best if it is near food that could be eaten.

4. Place a trap

There are several ways to lure earwigs from hiding, especially if they’re active at night. You can use a flashlight to shine light onto a bucket of soapy water. The light will attract the earwigs, and they will fall into the water.

5. Fighting back with common household ingredients

You may already have the tools you need to defeat earwigs. These are some common items:

  • Mix water and alcohol in a spray bottle. Spray directly on the earwigs to kill on contact.
  • Soy sauce and olive oil: Make a trap by mixing oil with soy sauce in an empty container. Place it where you last saw earwigs. The smell will attract bugs, and they will fall for it.

4. Vacuum

You can tidy up your home and remove earwigs from it by using your vacuum. A handheld vacuum is also available to catch them outside. After you have collected them, either throw the bag in the trash or pour the soapy water into a bucket.

5. Use a pesticide

Malathion, sevin, and pyrethrins are some of the pesticides that can be particularly harmful to earwigs. You can test the insecticide on a small area of your garden or hire a professional to help you.

How To Prevent Earwigs

To combat any pest, prevention is the best defense. Here are some ways to prevent earwigs from invading your lawn.

Fill in cracks and crevices.

You can inspect your home for any signs of pests, such as cracks in the foundation or gaps in windows.

Repair leaky pipes or drains.

Earwigs love a moist environment, so make sure you keep them away. Fix any leaking pipes or drains in your yard to stop them from attracting earwigs.

Keep your yard tidy.

Earwigs love damp and shaded areas so make sure to trim any overgrown trees or bushes. Mulch is great for your garden, but the insects love to hide in it. Mulch should not be placed right up against your house’s foundation. Dead leaves, piles of stone, and wood are all safe places for earwigs.

Clean out your drainpipes and gutters.

While clogged gutters may cause other problems, they are a welcome addition to the environment for earwigs. Drains are also important for rain runoff. However, they should be pointed away from your foundation.

Earwig Pest Control Options: When and How to Call

Earwigs do not pose a danger to humans. Earwigs can be beneficial to your garden by eating aphids (garden predators). If they start eating your vegetables and plants, or if they become a problem in your home, you should consider pesticides, traps, and natural methods.

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