How to get rid of chipmunks

If you’ve seen them in your yard, you may want to learn how to eliminate chipmunks.

The chipmunk can cause a lot of damage, even though small. They may destroy your flower gardens or ruin you. It’s good to know that removing chipmunks is easy, just like removing a squirrel.

Experts in pest control explain how to eliminate chipmunks humanely from your yard.

How to get rid of chipmunks from your yard

Their burrows can cause structural damage to a house, warns Jordan Foster, pest control supervisor at a data- Jordan Foster, the pest control supervisor for Fantastic Services (opens in The best way to get rid of chipmunks is to act as soon as possible.

Removing All Sources Of Food

Remove pest food sources or restrict access to your yard. This is the best way to get rid of pests, whether it’s

They are known to be opportunistic feeders and will eat a wide range of things, including nuts, Gulshan, a biotechnologist at PestKeen HTML0.

The first step in removing them is to remove all food sources from your property. You can clean up fallen nuts and fruits, store bird seeds in sealed containers, and eliminate other food sources.

Consider Using an Ultrasonic Deterrent

Ultrasonic deterrents can also be used to keep wasps from your porch HTML1

Ultrasonic repellents are an effective way to keep chipmunks away. These devices emit high-frequency sounds intended to make chipmunks or other rodents uncomfortable, causing them to leave These repellents are effective, but they may not be in every case. They may also need to be combined with other methods.

Protect Flower Bulbs and Precious Foliage

Chipmunks are often attracted to yards by perfectly manicured gardens. You can take a few measures to protect your plants while preventing chipmunks from snacking on them.

Jordan Foster of Fantastic Services suggests planting flower bulbs under a layer 1/4 inch hardware cloth or inside bulb cages. The fabric should be covered in soil. The mesh grid will allow plants to grow, but the bulbs will remain protected.

Find Alternative Storage for Log Piles

You may also have piles in your yard if you have a fireplace HTML0 The firewood piles provide the perfect home for chipmunks. Keep firewood and leaves away from your house so chipmunks can’t burrow under them.

Consider using a hidden or locked backyard Storage to keep your logs free.

Keep Your Yard Clean and Tidy

Gulshan, a pest researcher with Pest Keen, explains that cleaning your yard can discourage chipmunks. Chipmunks are fond of burrowing and will use leaves, brush, and other debris as a foundation for their home. Keep your garden neat and tidy to make it less appealing for these creatures.

Seeds from bird feeders can be a problem.

A bird feeder can be an excellent way to attract birds into your yard. They are also ideal pest controllers. Birdseed also attracts chipmunks.

A pest management supervisor, Jordan Foster, says bird feeders should be protected. Ground feeder chipmunks will be attracted to birdseed spills. Clean up the spilled seeds frequently. It would help to choose a source that does not attract chipmunks, such as a thistle. Place bird feeders at least 15-30 feet away from structures.

Consider a Non-Lethal Rodents Repellent

It is also essential to use non-lethal repellents for rodents instead of poisons or toxins. Poisons are not only harmful to rodents but also harm plants, soil, and even other harmless creatures like hedgehogs and household pets.

You can buy many rodent repellents that may work for you. Jordan Foster, a pest control expert with Fantastic Services, advises making your own repellent at home. Purée garlic and hot peppers until the water cools. Add one tablespoon of oil and strain. Shake well, and spray on the plants you want to avoid chipmunks.

Gulshan says that making your sprays can be a great alternative to the harsher chemical repellents in stores. Commercial repellents can be effective but can also harm other animals. They should be used cautiously.

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