How Sellers Can Prepare for a Home Inspection

When people talk about home inspection preparation, they usually view it from the buyer’s perspective. The home inspection is important for buyers, but it’s also something sellers need to prepare for.

With this in mind, here are four tips to help sellers prepare for an inspection of their home. These tips will help you make the best impression for your home.

Make sure everything works inside

A home inspection in Lakeville MN is essentially a check of the functioning of all major mechanicals and systems in your home. To make sure they’re in good working order, however, you should take the time to inspect the following:

  • Your HV/AC system
  • All your plumbing components
  • All your light switches and electrical outlets

You should also ensure:

  • Make sure all your doors and windows are properly opened and closed
  • Your walls and foundation are free from cracks
  • Ceilings are clean and free from stains

You should have any items that are not functioning or in disrepair addressed before the home inspector arrives. You may need to negotiate repairs with buyers if any items are flagged on your home inspection report. This can sometimes be more difficult than fixing the problem yourself.

It’s a good idea to make any necessary repairs and clean up the house before the big day. Although cleanliness is not an important factor in the inspection process, a clean home will make a good impression on the inspector and buyers.

Make sure to take care of the outside

You want your home to look its best. The same way you aim for the house’s interior, make sure the exterior is beautiful. Here are some things you can do to help:

  • Make sure your lawn is mowed, and that any landscaping is well-pruned, weeded and watered. This will increase curb appeal.
  • Get rid of your gutters
  • Repair any damaged shingles on your roof

Collect any important documents

You will need documentation if you have had work done recently on your house, such as a roof repair or maintenance to the HV/AC system.

This information is valuable for inspectors to have access to. It will also be helpful for the buyer. Instead of worrying about how long it will take to make big-ticket repairs, they will feel reassured to buy a well-maintained home.

You will need to be scarce in order to pass the inspection.

It may be helpful to stay for the inspection to help the inspector point out problems to potential buyers. However, it is best to take control and leave the premises once everyone has arrived. Simply put, the inspector might feel awkward pointing out any problems and buyers might feel uncomfortable asking questions.

You should also make sure that pets are allowed to accompany you on inspections. Pets can often get underfoot in inspections, and you don’t want anyone to get hurt.

If you feel that there is anything that the inspector or buyers might find helpful, it’s best to leave it in a not for them to see. They will likely appreciate your shared wisdom.

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