Home Renovation Tips: Pandemic Edition

We may have seen too much of our homes during the pandemic that we usually do or like to. This may have led you down the path most homeowners have taken in the past few months: renovation projects. However, with the changes and restrictions that COVID-19 has brought upon us, how do you get it right? Here are five tips to help you out.

Why Are You Renovating?

When it comes to planning a home renovation Ajax homeowners need to ask themselves why they need it. Are you doing it because you are bored and have nothing better to do? If yes, try to find a better distraction because boredom should not be a reason to renovate. Or have you been planning it for some time now? In that case, there is no better time to start on it. 

Have a Plan First

Once you know why you are renovating, it is time to plan out the whole thing. Skipping this step can lead to a lot of delays and losses. List out the priority changes in your house and set a time frame to finish them. This will help you save money and time when both are tight. You should also factor in what renovation you can handle yourself and whether your house can handle major repairs at the moment. 

Set a Budget and Spend Less

The next step is to set a budget for your renovation work. Hurrying towards work once a plan in place can be foolhardy. You may end up spending money unnecessarily and recklessly. Do yourself a favor, set a budget for each and everything you are buying, and try to spend less than that. This will help you save cash. 

Choose Projects You Can Diy

With the pandemic still around, getting experts to come to your place could prove difficult. Moreover, you may also not want to put your loved ones at risk by letting outsiders come to your home. The solution to this predicament is choosing projects that will bring your DIY skills to the fore. What’s more? You will save money too!

Avoid Major Renovation Projects

Continuing from the previous point, you may want to avoid any major renovation project right now. This is especially true if you are renovating out of boredom. With this approach, you have the satisfaction of doing something while also not shelling out money unnecessarily on significant renovation works. 


Renovating your homes is no joke. You should not be doing it on a whim or out of boredom. Instead, it would be best if you took some time to plan and budget everything. Doing so will help you spend less money and save a lot of your time. Above all, decide whether you really need the renovation.

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