Holiday Crafts Santas Little Helpers

We love to craft! It is a normal thing to find my children gluing and glittering found objects to paper and coloring and creating their little hearts out. I have been a huge fan of Crayola since, well, I was a little girl! There is nothing that can quite spark that creativity like the smell of a fresh box of crayons or the vibrant color of a new box of Crayola markers and paints.At Crayola, we give colorful wings to the invisible things that grow in the hearts and minds of children. We believe in unleashing, nurturing and celebrating the colorful originality in every child. ~CrayolaI was so excited to receive a box of Crayola goodies and a gift card to produce a fun holiday craft with my littles. We have been experiencing some rather cold and icy weather here in Texas so we’ve been cooped up in the house a lot. These new craft supplies could not have arrived at a better time. We received a box of Crayola Colored Pencils, Crayola Washable Markers,

Crayola Glitter Glue, Crayola Model Magic, and Crayola Slick Sticks; as well as a Wal Mart Gift Card for any other items we may need for our craft. After a little brainstorming with the kiddos we decided to try and attempt a fun Christmas Tree craft using the Crayola Model Magic. Hollis and I ran to Wal Mart and picked up a foam cone from the floral aisle {around $3}, a package of toothpicks {around $3}, and one more pack of Crayola Model Magic. We decided we would roll tiny balls of the Crayola Model Magic and cover the foam cone with them by placing them on toothpicks and pushing them in  the foam. Model Magic was perfect for this project as it is simple to mold and shape and will dry and hardens within 24-36 hours. This activity kept the kids busy for a quite a while and while they rolled the Crayola Model Magic balls, I cut down the toothpicks so they wouldn’t be so long. When we finished covering the tree with the Crayola Model Magic, Hollis drew, colored, cut out, and glittered a star to place on top of the tree. The kids had so much fun creating out Christmas Tree Decoration and it looks too adorable on display by our holiday poinsettia. Crayola products really allow the creativity within your children come to life by offering so many awesome and fun products that can be used in many different ways!

Make sure to check out the Crayola Holiday Crafts Pinterest Board to see all the creative and fun projects others have come up with using Crayola Products! Pick a few favorites and gather the materials so when the kiddos are out of school over the holidays you can keep their little brains and hands busy with a few planned activities! After completing activities, share those Crayola Holiday Craft Photos for possible inclusion on the Crayola “Holiday Crafts” Pinterest Board. So fun!

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