Helping Your Young Child Or Teen With Their Homework

Let’s face it: When we were growing up, we weren’t all that thrilled about doing homework ourselves. After all, when we came “home” from school, who wanted to think about doing more “work”? For this reason alone, it can be totally understandable why our kids wouldn’t be all that excited about doing theirs, either. Still, it is a “necessary evil”, isn’t it?Here’s the good news: If you would like some tips on help your young child or teen with their homework, we have five that can make the word

“homework” less stressful for both you and son or daughter:

Communicate with their teachers. When it comes to your child’s academic progress, the people who know them the best are their teachers and good ones will be more than happy to communicate with you on a consistent basis whether it’s with a personal meeting, by phone or even via email. It’s a great way to establish a more personal interaction and also get a list of your child’s syllabus for the semester.Go over it daily. There are a lot of parents who have made the dire mistake of not checking up on their children’s progress until they get a progress report. And sometimes, based on what it says, that can be too late. It’s always a good idea to not simply settle for “No” when you ask your son or daughter if they have any homework. Instead, inquire about each class so that you can be made abreast of what is going on with their lessons on a daily basis.Do some of your own research. There are many of us who have not sat in a classroom for a very long time. Therefore, it’s understandable that we might be a bit rustic when it comes to looking at maps, doing fractions or conjugating verbs. Thanks to the internet, you don’t have to “sweat it out” along with your children. When you are aware of what they are studying at any given time, be proactive in brushing up on some of the skills in that particular subject online. Both you and your child will be so glad that you did.

Hire a tutor. If your child is experiencing a lot of difficulties, there is nothing wrong with hiring a tutor. Tutors can be real blessings because they are professionally equipped to provide one-on-one assistance for your child so that they can overcome some of their learning challenges and/or disabilities. Websites like Tutor and Khan’s Academy can put you in touch with individuals who are extremely equipped in providing your child with the academic support that he or she needs.Be positive. A great attitude can go a long way—not just for your child, but you as well. There are still many studies to support the fact that the person who continues to have the greatest influence on a young person is their parents. So, when you are listening to your child talk about their day, or you’re sitting down with them to go over their homework, be as upbeat, enthusiastic and positive as possible. It will be sure to “rub off” on them as they are doing their studies and a good attitude always works in their benefit.

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