Your 4-step Guide to Treat Smoke Damaged Walls and Ceilings!

Smoke from anywhere is eerie! But it can also be irritating when you have to clean it yourself. And imagine dealing with lots of smoke and it stains on your wall and ceilings! Whether it is a result of extreme tobacco or cigar smoking in your home or because of the wood you burnt outside that damaged your exterior paint – the crux is: your walls and ceilings are now stained! You know the damage is done and these stains aren’t going to come off easily. And painting above already existing stains is of no use – they simply won’t stay hidden. So, let’s see how we can face this challenge!

Get Rid of Smoke Stains From Your Walls and Stains Through Proven Ways!

Believe us, getting the smoke spots off your walls and a ceiling is not an easy job. Plus, you also have the task of covering this area perfectly with a new paint job! Well, the challenge is big — but yeah! You can overcome it but by following the below mentioned guideline:

  1. Dry clean the area — You can easily get rid of the smoke stains by dry cleaning the area. You can get a special sponge from the market that is for dry cleaning the spots from your wall. After you scrub this area lightly but firmly with the help of this sponge, you will see that the black debris of the smoke is coming off from the wall in a form of dried powder. Ensure that the entire area containing it is cleaned off and the debris comes out completely.
  2. Wet cleaning — After the dry cleaning, comes the wet part of this procedure. Again, take a sponge and some microfibre cloths to clean the area that you just tidied up. You can use phosphate-based cleaners that are very much effective to remove such tough stains from painted surfaces.
  3. Prime the wall — A proper finishing of paint is impossible without priming the wall. And since you have just scraped and wiped the previous coat of your paint by cleaning it, there are bound to be unevenness and spots on your wall that can be visible even after the new coat. Ensure to prime the entire area perfectly.
  4. Paint the wall perfectly — Well, it’s time to give the most anticipated new life to your walls. Finally, you have shed off the smoke stains and ugliness. Now you can paint the walls in your favourite shade to complete the procedure. Or for better perfection of your interior and exterior painting, call Flamingo Exterior Plastering. They will carry out the entire procedure easily and quickly for you and help you restore the beauty of your walls in no time.

Well, isn’t it easy to get rid of such tough villains of home decor like smoke stains? So, the next time you see such spots on your wall or ceiling — don’t panic! Just follow the above steps or call the experts and let them do their job.

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