Flat Head Fix {Babymoon #REVIEW}

I will let you in on a little secret. Before I had my son I was really afraid of him ending up in a helmet. I was afraid of my baby having a flat head. Not that it is bad that some babies end up in helmets, I just didn’t want my child to have to go through that if I could prevent it. I did regular tummy time with him. I moved his head to the other side when he slept. I was determined to not have a flat headed child. Kelly, founder of Babymoon, had a daughter that was told at her 3 month appointment that her head was becoming flat, plagiocephaly. It wasn’t bad at the moment but baby wasn’t loving tummy time. After trying out a bunch of products and doing a lot of research, Kelly used her designer skills and created the Babymoon.


The Baby moon is a pillow and a neck support. After Kelly used it for several months the doctor noticed a big difference in her baby. It wasn’t a solution to flat head syndrome, but when used as a supplement it helped out her child. This affordable, made in the USA, pillow is machine washable. For newborn-6 months use the Baby moon as a pillow.  On the playmat, in a bounce, in a swing, or in a car seat. This pillow will give your child comfort and help there head develop properly. as baby gets bigger, 6 months- 1 year, it can be used as a neck support in the stroller and the car seat. How many times has your baby, or have you seen a baby, who look like they are sleeping so uncomfortably? Surely they have to wake up for neck pain. Just unvelcro the pillow, fold the cover over the velcro for comfort and put around the beck of the babies head…think travel pillow. They will love it!

We use this every time my son plays on his playmat. He loves it. Now that he is a little more mobile (rolling around and rotating his body) and looking around more, it isn’t as useful as it was.  We have started to use it when he spends time in his bouncer or swing though. Not only does my cutie use it but so does my friends son that I babysit a few days a week. The fact that it is machine washable is great. It makes keeping things clean between both the boys simple and manageable. You can purchase Babymoon online or at a retailer near you.  They come in many different colors and fabrics.  We received a green polyester plush, similar to this one. I also like the brown cuddle dot Babymoon.  It is $28 for the plush fabrics or $27 for cotton fabrics.

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