How to Find Apartments that Accept Pets

It is no secret that Americans love their pets. There are hundreds of millions of pets in the USA and well over half of all families own at least one. This could be a cat, a dog, a bird or any number of other animals.

However, despite there being millions of renters in the USA and many available units in most cities, it is still difficult to find pet-friendly apartments in many areas. This can lead you to make a difficult choice between your pet or an apartment you love. Thankfully, there are a couple tips that can help you successfully hunt for a pet-friendly apartment.

Pet Friendly Apartment

Without any further ado, let’s look at a couple tips for apartment hunting with your pets.

Begin Online

The first thing you should do when apartment hunting with pets is begin online. Whether you are looking at The Urban Avenue Dallas apartments or apartments on nearly any other resource, looking online gives you the most information on an apartment in a very small amount of time. Looking online can help you quickly and easily see if pets are allowed in certain units. If not, it can provide you with a phone number or email so you can ask.

This will allow you to narrow your search before you even have to leave your home. This will ensure you only look at units that take pets, and don’t fall in love with a random unit, only to find out that no pets are allowed.

Have a “Pet Resume”

When you are looking to impress a hiring manager, you put a lot of work and effort into making your resume as polished as possible. Well, if you want to impress a potentially-hesitant landlord, doing the same for your pet isn’t a bad idea. A pet resume can be a quick and easy way for a landlord to learn all there is to know about your pet.

A pet resume can include a photo of your pet, their medical history, any past references and accomplishments. The better you can make your pet look, the better chance you have at being approved. Also, having the landlord meet your pet and see how well-behaved they are can also be a good idea.

Offer a Pet Deposit

As they say, money talks. As a result, be prepared to pay or even offer a pet deposit to landlords. A large reason landlords don’t want pets in their unit is for fear of damage. If you put up a bit of extra money for a deposit, it will likely be able to cover any damage the pet may do. The amount a pet deposit will be can vary, but is often a few hundred dollars.

In addition to, or instead of, a pet deposit, you could also offer to pay a slightly higher amount in rent. Offering more money to a landlord likely grants you the best chance of having your pet be approved. So be sure to go in with an open mind. However, watch out for people trying to take advantage of your love of pets by overcharging.

Look at the Neighborhood and Nearby Area

If you have a pet like a dog, there is a good chance you will want to take it outside and go on some walks or adventures. As a result, it is a good idea to take a look at the surrounding area of an apartment, instead of simply the unit itself. You should see what parks, dog walks or other interesting places are nearby.

Also, you will want to find out the closest vet, groomers, pet stores and other things to make your life a little bit easier. Doing all of this can make the transition much easier, and help you make sure that you are choosing the right apartment.

Get The Terms in Writing

No matter what happens, be sure to get all of the terms in writing. A landlord could be very receptive to the idea of a pet, but if it is not mentioned in the lease terms or agreement, be weary. A verbal agreement on a set of terms is good, but it is hard to prove. Get all the policies and expectations of your pet in writing from the landlord.

This will protect you in case they go back on their word, try to increase your rent because you have a pet or has another dispute. Once you have the paperwork done and completed, be sure to keep it safe and store it in a memorable spot.

Start as Early as Possible

Because of how hard they can be to find, pet-friendly apartments are often in high-demand. As soon as one goes on the market, it is likely to get snapped up fairly quickly. As a result, you need to be quick and start your search as early as possible. 

If you don’t begin your search until you have to be out of your current unit in a week, finding a pet-friendly apartment isn’t easy. It can take weeks or months to find the right unit, and even then, there is no guaranteeing it won’t get snapped up from right up under your nose.

The tips and tricks included in this article should be able to help you find the perfect apartment for you and your pets.

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