Egg Celent Easter Basket Ideas Dinosaur Train Review

There is nothing I love more than finding a great toy that my children will learn from! Uncle Milton creates toys that do just that, get your child learning, thinking, and discovering! We received two awesome products from Uncle Milton’s newest line little science and nature fans; Dinosaur Train! Ava loves Dinosaur Train; Buddy, Tiny, Shiny, & Don keep her thoroughly entertained. She has learned so much about dinosaurs just from that one show, it really is amazing! I especially love when she sings Buddy’s T-Rex song, so cute! This Uncle Milton line allows children the opportunity to explore real science within the Dinosaur Train world. A perfect addition to any child’s Easter Basket, the Hatchers are realistic dinosaur eggs that “hatch” Buddy, Tiny, Shiny & Don.


Simply place the egg in water and wait for the egg to crack. Once the egg has cracked, characters can grow to 4x their original size! I can’t wait for Ava to get her Hatcher in her Easter basket, she has been totally intrigued with hatching eggs ever since we went to the stock show this past February and she saw baby chicks hatching. This Hatcher is going to rock her little world!  Another Dinosaur Train item that will be in her Easter basket will be the Dinosaur Train: Dino Track Discover Pack. The pack includes 30 different footprint cards. Follow the cards to find out whose footprints you have been tracking. Each footprint includes fun dinosaur facts about one of 30 different dinosaurs.

Once you’ve reached the end of the trail and discovered who you followed, find the activity egg card for fun things to do with the whole family! I know we are all going to have so much fun playing this tracking game together. Uncle Milton offers a variety of fun, learning toys that will intrigue your child! To find these awesome products for your Easter Baskets check your local retailers or the Uncle Milton’s Website! You can also keep up with product info on Uncle Milton’s Facebook page. Opinions expressed in this post are strictly our own. We were not paid for this post. Thank you Uncle Milton for providing the products for this review.

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