Easy Rider! {Piggyback Rider Giveaway

Leave the stroller at home and forget about the bulky framed carrier!

Weighing less than three pounds and the size of a rolled towel, the Piggyback Rider™ is the first and only child carrier that allows you to comfortably carry a child up to 60 lbs on your back. With the ease of a standard backpack, the Piggyback Rider™ provides a shoulder mounted foot bar for your child to stand on, integrated grab handles for your child to hold, and a safety harness to secure your child.

The Piggyback Rider™ has unlimited year-round use, while hiking, touring, shopping, walking, watching, exploring, wandering, bonding at amusement parks, carnival, sporting events, malls, markets and everywhere else you may go.
The Piggyback Rider™ is the last child carrier that you will ever need to buy. It accommodates children once they are able, but unwilling, to walk. Often weighed down by toddlers on their back or shoulders, we became tired of aching backs and stiff necks. However, we were unwilling to part with those precious moments, forever etched in our memory, bonding us with our children.The Piggyback Rider™ was developed to take advantage of the natural instinct to carry a child on your back. The solid aluminum bar allows the child to stand up, which positions the center of mass over your hips. Now, you can walk upright. Child hand holds were placed at two locations on the shoulder straps to remove tiny hands from around your neck. And the child safety harness adds peace of mind, by bonding you and your child.We endeavor to facilitate more bonding moments between you and your children. Our eight children are unanimous in saying, “Your kids are going to LOVE it!” ~Piggy Back Rider

As soon as I saw the Piggyback Rider, I was instantly curious. It looked like something a child would love, simple to transport, and comfy for mom or dad to wear. Well, as soon as it arrived at our house, we had to try it out! Immediately I was impressed with how easy it is to use. You put your harness on like a back pack, place your child in their harness like a backpack, snap the two together at the adults shoulders and you’re all set for adventure! Very quick, very easy! Ava loves riding around in the Piggyback Rider. We have used it at the zoo, botanic gardens, even around the house! It never fails, after a while walking around, Ava always ends up too tired to keep walking. So nice to have the Piggyback Rider to save the day instead of having to try and hold her on my back or shoulders. Hollis loves riding around in the Piggyback Rider as much as Ava. I think eventually we may need to buy another so when we are out my husband and I can both wear one and then both kiddos can ride. When Hollis is in his stroller and Ava is riding in the Piggyback Rider, he actually whines and wants to ride in it instead of sitting in his stroller. I can totally understand why, too. When a child is in the Piggyback Rider they are close to their parent, can actively participate in the current activity, and you can easily chat back and forth. Riding in the Piggy Back Rider keeps the child engaged in the activity, rather than sitting in a stroller where sometimes it can be hard to see surroundings or communicate. We love our Piggyback Rider! It is extremely lightweight, and comes with it’s own handy carrying case, making it perfect for taking on the go. They couldn’t have made it any easier or more convenient!

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