Easy As 1,2,3 {ChildUp Review & Giveaway}

My children love to learn and I enjoy teaching them about anything and everything I can! We spend lots of time reading through books and talking about all sorts of things. I have never been asked so many questions and looked to for so many answers before this whole parenting adventure began! Children are so inquisitive and hungry for knowledge! I love finding awesome resources, like ChidUp ,which create fun and helpful teaching materials specifically designed for parents!

the ChildUp Team of early childhood development experts and dedicated parents is providing information and developing solutions and tools for parents who intend to raise successful, balanced, and happy children.The ChildUp program is based on decades of practical positive parenting experience in real life situations and families, backed up by leading worldwide scientific research in early education from the past 10 years.ChildUp offers a series of efficient solutions and tools in matter of parenting, early childhood development, and early learning: the ChildUp Online Parenting Courses, the ChildUp Early Learning Game Cards, the ChildUp Early Learning Applications, and the ChildUp Early Learning Method. ~ChildUpChildUp generously sent us Teach Your Child to Count to 10 and Teach Your Child to Count to 20 Game cards and I couldn’t have been more excited about their arrival! As soon as they arrived  both of the kids were wanting to get them opened up and play! They love playing card games and they knew exactly what was in those two boxes; CARDS! Ava is counting well past 50, so these are specifically for Hollis {who turned three yesterday}, he can count but gets a bit confused around 9! He was so excited this card game was for him as he is too small to play some of the card games with his sister and cousins. We sat down and opened up the Teach Your Child to Count to 10 card game and started working!

This set includes 48 child’s cards to learn to count from 1-10 while discovering 4 different series of 10 popular animals. Also includes 16 parent’s cards to help teach the ChildUp early learning method along with practical learning and parenting advice. Right now we are going through the cards and looking at the pictures, counting the animals and talking about the number on the opposite side. These are not flash cards. They are cards that as you interact with your child as you work your way through them they just soak in the knowledge; numbers, counting, animals, animal sounds, the possibilities are endless! I can’t wait to get started on the Count to 20 Cards with Hollis! I’m sure he’ll be there in no time! Not only are these cards helping Hollis learn about counting, numbers, and animals, but they are also giving us some precious one-on-one time, which is so special and hard to come by and is also extremely beneficial for both of us!

Teach your Child to Count to 10 Game Cards Helps parents to teach:

  • Numbers from 0 to 10
  • Numbers as quantities and symbols
  • The first steps of addition

Helps develop the child’s:

  • Math and logic skills
  • Learning and cognitive skills
  • Listening and memory skills
  • Attention and concentration skills
  • Language and social skills

ChildUp also has free educational apps available to help teach your child counting and numbers. We have them downloaded on my iPhone and they are awesome! So many great features and they are really fun, too! When you set up the Early Math App, you can record your voice saying the numbers and encouraging phrases that your child will hear while playing the app. I made sure to do this and you wouldn’t believe the curious look on Hollis’ face the first time he heard it. He knew it was my voice, but was so surprised, like how did they do that!?! It was so cute and it really personalized it for him! By playing this game with your children, they will learn the first steps in addition, as well as the names and real sounds of 80 animals. With the app comes the ChildUp Early Learning Method, which provides precious information on brain development, early learning, and parenting expertise.

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