Do You Drink Tap Water? {Zuvo Water Filtration System Giveaway}

Are you drinking tap water?

I have never been a fan of tap water. First of all our tap water tastes gross disgusting. My hubby doesn’t mind it, but I do. So I never give it to my baby since I am not a fan. With this being said…I kind of became a water bottle snob.
When we were given the opportunity to test out the Zuvo water filtration system I was more than excited. See the Zuvo is hooked up to your tap line (either above the counter or below), which then filters the water and provides you with Safe Water to drink through your Tap. My hubby hooked it up and then we tasted the water. The taste was 100% better. Now, I use tap water for everyday drinking and I am definitely saving a bundle of cash not buying bottled water anymore or wasting plastic in which the bottle water came.

Here’s how it works (from the zuvo water website):

The Zuvo Water Purator™ uses a patented five-step process to produce clean, healthy, great tasting water…just the way nature intended!

Step 1: Ozonation

In nature, ozone is generated by lightning and cleans the air where rainwater forms. The Zuvo Water Purator mixes ozone with incoming tap water to treat taste and odor contaminants and improve taste. Like chlorine, ozone is a powerful oxidizer. Unlike chlorine, ozone leaves no chemical residue.

Step 2: Ultraviolet Light

The ozone saturated water is flooded with high-intensity UV light – the same as the solar energy that cleans water in the upper atmosphere.

Step 3: Photo-oxidation

The Zuvo Water Purator combines UV and ozone in a patented process known as photo-oxidation which releases powerful oxidizers to further treat the water.

Step 4: filtration with lead removal

Pure spring water is created by passing through fine particles in the earth. Zuvo uses the same principle by passing water through a Class 1 Particulate Reduction Filter, reducing chlorine taste and odor, lead, and tiny particulates.

Step 5: post-filtration UV

The filtered water is again exposed to high-intensity UV light as it leaves the Zuvo Water Purator, ensuring that you get clean, healthy, great tasting water…just the way nature intended!
You can buy your own Zuvo Water Filtration System online!

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