Disneyland Packing Tips Free Printable Check Lists

Keep your hands and arms inside this blog at all times and get ready for some Disneyland Fun!!The magic is almost here. The hotel is booked, the flights scheduled, and the tickets bought. The last thing on my list: Getting Packed!
Packing can be stressful. Especially since mom has to usually do it all. Right? I have to admit that I am an over packer. I will pack way too much and realize it when we head home and half my suitcase is still clean clothing. That’s why I try to use a list. If I stick to it, I usually do alright.

Packing Tips

Start early. Don’t wait until the night before to pack. I know from experience this just makes the trip stressful and starts it off on the wrong foot. I start about 5-6 days before we plan on leaving.  I place each person in our families suitcase open on my bedroom floor. I then place their printed list of what they need on their suitcase. Then I start slowly adding to their pile. This way I am able to grab what they won’t be using during the week and get it checked off. Usually a day or two before I will run the laundry and get the rest of their items in their pile that they wear throughout the week. This helps me to avoid the “night before the trip laundry freak out“.

Flying Airlines?

You might want to consider separating a little of each person’s pile into each suitcase. That way if the airline were to lose your luggage you would have a little to help you get by.Once I have all the items needed and checked off their list I pull out the clear gallon baggies. I like to put each days outfit complete with top/bottom, underwear, & socks in a clear bag for each of my children. Then I label them with the day they will be wearing them. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. This makes finding outfits a snap for my kids and means less digging through the suitcases for matching outfits. I like to be organized.Is it essential? Ask yourself this question. If you say “I don’t know” then you probably don’t need it. Make sure you also check out the weather a few days before you go, so you can plan a poncho if it might rain, & always bring lots of sunscreen.

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