Considering Summer Conditions when GIB Stopping

Summer temperatures can cause plaster-based compounds to not set properly. Plaster-based compounds require a certain amount water to change from plaster to plaster (which is the process for setting). The plaster-based compound may have dried on the wall for as long as 80 minutes before it sets in the 90 minute time frame. Heat can lead to water loss so severe that plaster won’t revert back to gypsum without enough water. This can lead to weak joints. This can cause joints to crack, tape to fall out and poor bonding of subsequent compound coats. This can be fixed with GIB stopping in Auckland.

It depends on:

The amount and type of plaster used: A smaller mass means a faster drying.

Temperature on the board and in the air around it: A higher temperature means a faster drying process.

Time before setting : It is more likely that the set will dry faster.

The water content of the compound. Less water means that it is more likely to dry.

There are many options to avoid the above-mentioned problems. You should analyze the task and plan the time it will take to complete it. Next, choose the appropriate compounds for your environment. Tape should only be applied in the morning when surfaces are less susceptible to drying out from heat. Ceilings that do not have insulation should be inspected first, usually the garage. Next, rake ceilings if necessary. Finally, inspect exterior walls that are facing the sun. Use shorter-set compounds in areas that are likely to become too hot during summer. If you want the compound to set, it must dry quicker. Set the compound for 45 minutes if you are working in a heat area. It may take longer to clean the bucket or add more compound, but this will greatly reduce the chances of you calling back.

Square Stopping a ceiling below a roof cavity during the summer:

Issue : Stopping must appear square, not on a tapered surface. The ceiling board must be exposed in the hot ceiling cavity.

Start your day earlier to keep the roof cavity cool. If the temperature is higher than 20 degrees Celsius, you can use a shorter set compound. If you are above 25°C, use a 45-minute set compound.

Preventing a garage roof falling into a roof space:

Issue : In the latter part of the day, the temperature in the roof cavity can reach 65 degrees Celsius. This heats up the board joints beyond what is ambient.

Cure : Schedule a taping jacket to be worn in the morning, or for 45 minutes if you’re using hot compounds.

Stop raking ceilings or apex joints.

Issues : High temperatures due to low airspace and close proximity of the roof material.

Cure : It is best to do this in the morning, when temperatures are lower. It is best to limit the time you spend on apexes that are likely to be exposed to heat from your roof cavity. For example, 45 minutes.

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