Common Bathroom Design Errors You Should Avoid at Any Cost!


A bathroom is the most important part of any house, and yet very much underestimated! Often, it gets the smallest space allotted, and you are in a dilemma about how to design it in the best way – merging functionality with aesthetics! In such cases, you often equip it with all your needs, but leave out the beautification and décor part altogether!. But this is entirely an injustice, as you spend a chunk of your time in the bathroom — to freshen up for your whole day ahead, or to unwind after a tiring day. You need to be surrounded by a good vibe if you spend quality time here! This is why designing a bathroom carefully becomes extremely essential! 

When you design a bathroom, you have to utilise all the space provided to you perfectly and also include as much amenities as you can! But many people fail to merge these two vital aspects of bathroom designing with ease and elegance. No, we are not speaking of ones with space crunch. The list also includes homeowners who can boast of a huge master-bath! You don’t want to be one of them, surely!

 Some mistakes that shouldn’t be happening in your bathroom!

When it’s a bathroom, you can’t afford mistakes! The reason being that it’s one of the most frequently used areas of the home, and inconveniences here means that you shall have to feel irritated multiple times a day! Also, this place is always wet and if there are any mistakes in bathroom construction, you are going to face horrendous hardships. That’s why check below the list of some common mistakes which people make while designing a bathroom, and take care so that you are not one of them!

  • Slippery or peculiar floor — A bathroom always has to be designed keeping in mind the fact that there would always be  usage of water in this area. You couldn’t expect a washroom to be absolutely dry, and therefore choosing the floor that’s not suitable for moisture exposure or can get extremely slippery because of it can be wrong! Therefore, avoid hardwood altogether for your washrooms, and if you choose marble, it can be really slippery and very dangerous because of it. Better for opt for ceramic bathroom floor tiles in Melbourne from Ceramic Tile Imports, who have got some astounding collection of bathroom tiles just perfect and suitable for your washroom and entirely safe and long lasting too. With lesser water absorption rate, low maintenance requirement, resistance to wear and scratches with proper installation and glazing, and availability in a plethora of colours and designs – all these factors cumulatively make ceramic tiles one of the most sought after choices for bathroom flooring.
  • Door knocking the furniture or toilet — If you are coaxing in a bathroom in a very small space, fix your door to open on the outer side. If not, try and fix it on the side where it doesn’t hinder or  knock with anything else. If you place it in the wrong direction, it may bang on something or the other (the toilet, washbasin or linen cabinet) each time you open it —that would be too much of a hazard, right? This would mean scratches and wear on the door or on the furniture or toilet where it bangs. You may also consider sliding door.
  • No ventilation— Ventilation is of prime importance in any bathroom. You can put up an exhaust fan in the bathroom or place a small window for this purpose and let the room be a little bit airy. Airing out the bathroom with the right ventilation is important to avoid moisture related issues like moulds, mildews, damage to wooden fixtures (if any), rust etc.
  • Wrong placements — Most of the times, your bathroom has everything needed in it, but all in the wrong manner! But in essence, a bathroom has to be functional. So, it’s layout should be strategically planned keeping in mind the dimension of the space, and all that you plan to fit into the room. Try to position the shower or bathtub in one corner so that you can separate out the wet area from the dry zone efficiently.  Try to squeeze in all the plumbing in one wall to keep the cost minimal. Builders and designers are well aware of the rules laid out about functional space arrangement in a bathroom without compromising on the style quotient. properly!
  • Lack of storage — No matter how tiny your bathroom space is, it demands some storage at the disposal of the user! You need your stock of shampoo and soaps in your bathroom, along with extra towels, shaving kits, face washes and what not! You just can’t hop into your bedroom between your showers  to get a fresh supply of these things! Whether it is open shelving, or behind the mirror cabinet – storage is an absolute must! 

A bathroom is the place where you relax and freshen up! The space should exude a zen like aura. And that can be achieved only with the right kind of design. 

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