Clear blue pregnancy tests positive

Clear blue pregnancy tests positive

It’s safe to assume that you are not pregnant if you get a negative result from a home test for pregnancy. You may be surprised to find a positive result if you look back at your test later in the day. This can be due to some reasons.

Evaporation lines

Most pregnancy tests will tell you to review the results within a specified time frame. The time usually takes between two and ten minutes. You may not see a positive result if you wait longer than this.

An evaporation layer causes the false-positive reading in this instance. Evaporation lines do not indicate a positive result.

Evaporation occurs when urine on the test area begins to dry. Evaporation can cause changes in the chemical composition of urine samples. The test could display a positive result. To avoid confusion, the pregnancy test should be discarded after the time limit has expired.

Faint Test Lines

If you follow the instructions, you may see a thin, faint test line within minutes. Although it may appear faint at first, the line gradually darkens over time. Many things could explain this line.

  • Chemical pregnancy – When a fertilized egg is inserted, hCG production occurs even though the egg may not be viable. Early miscarriages can be easily mistaken for regular periods.
  • Low sensitivity test. You might need a test with higher sensitivity to get more accurate results early in pregnancy. On the test label, look for “early results”.
  • Test too early in your cycle. If you test before ovulation is over, the hormone hCG may not produce enough to give you a faint line. 2
  • Too much fluid: If you urinate too often or drink too much liquid, it can dilute your urine sample. First-morning urine is recommended for pregnancy testing. 3

If you’re still unsure, you can wait a few days to get another pregnancy test result. Always take a sample of your first-morning urine, which is more likely to contain higher levels of the pregnancy hormone, hCG).

A word from Verywell

Contradictory results can be very distressing, especially if they are faint lines or evaporation marks. You can retest your pregnancy test in a few days to confirm your results. Talk to your doctor about having a blood test done for you. Follow the instructions on your pregnancy test to avoid disappointment or confusion if you get a false positive.

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