Can Carpet Cleaning Make My Dog Sick

Recent reports indicate that dog allergies have been on the rise. A surprising 10% of dogs suffer from allergies and this number is expected to grow annually.

Many dogs who suffer from indoor allergies are also allergic to pollen, food and other allergens.

What are the most common indoor allergens and their sources?

Your carpet Yikes!

You have probably had to clean your carpets a few times if you live with Fido.

There are many reasons to clean carpets, including pet stains, odors and loose fur.

Have you ever wondered if your carpet is making your dog sick?

How Can I Tell If My Dog Is Allergic?

There are many symptoms which may indicate allergies. A diagnostic test in your veterinarian’s office is the only way to be sure.

  • Sneezing frequently
  • Red, itchy skin
  • Itchy body parts: Tail, back, ears and paws
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Snoring
  • Paws excessively licked and/or gnawed
  • Wheezing
  • Bald patches
  • Skin ulcers and blisters

Allergy-prone dogs are more susceptible to infection due to the raw wounds caused by scratching and licking.

Finding the cause of your dog’s allergies will bring him comfort.

What Causes Carpet Allergies In Dogs?

You may not even realize that your carpet is a source of allergens.

  • Your dog could be allergic to materials in the carpet: Just as some people are allergic to wool and others to nylon, your dog might simply be allergic the material itself.
  • Allergens on or in the carpet: Studies show that indoor dust samples (from carpet fibers) contain outdoor allergens, such as DDT (a pesticide).
  • Carpet treatments: While we all want to have a stain-free rug, some chemicals, such as formaldehyde or perfluorinated substances, can cause allergic contact dermatitis.
  • Fleas: Fleas can cause itching for up to two weeks after a single bite. These critters can easily be hidden in carpets, despite their unpleasant sound.
  • Dust mites: Dust mites are a problem for many dogs and their owners. Dust mites can cause allergies in dogs and their owners.
  • Molds and mildews: Molds are another allergen that can affect both humans and pets. In many cases, mildews or molds can form deep in carpet padding and carpets.

Why Are Dogs More Sensitive To Carpets Than Adults?

Why is it that carpets seem to be more allergenic for dogs?

Carpet allergies are more common in pets (and infants and toddlers crawling on the floor).

The carpet’s proximity is important.

The majority of the day, a dog will spend just inches away from the carpet. He’ll often be sniffing it and napping in the afternoon on the carpet.

Adult humans interact much less with carpets, which makes it harder to inhale allergens like dust mites.

However, a dog or infant is very likely to inhale allergens that are present in carpet.

Your dog will have direct skin contact to the carpet as he lays down on it.

What is the Solution?

A pet-friendly cleaning service can help to reduce allergens and make your pet feel more comfortable.

Cleaner has over 30 years experience in fighting stains and odors.

We begin the deep cleaning process with encapsulation, which is a deep vacuuming of your carpets. Allergens and dust will be extracted.

The carpets are left drier after using our system (average drying time is 45 minutes to 1 hour), without any residue that attracts dirt.

What Can Cleanny Carpet Cleaning London Do For You?

Contact us today if you’re looking for Carpet Cleaner in Chelsea who will do the job without harsh chemicals that can aggravate your dog’s allergies.

All of our treatments can be used by children and pets.

Clean carpets, happy dogs and a clean environment are the new way to go!

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