Biological Pollutants in the Home

There are many biological pollutants that surround us daily, both indoors and outdoors. But, biological pollutants in the home can significantly weaken our health, especially in the elderly, young children, or people with respiratory issues, such as asthma or bronchitis. We Have specialized knowledge to detect these problems for customers who are purchasing a new home.

What exactly is a Biological Pollutant?

Well, they are usually living organisms that travel through the air and most of the time are invisible to the naked eye. Over time, if breathing these nasty organisms, you most likely will become sick and not even know why. Your home may be hosting these unwanted guests unbeknownst to you and probably even causing damage to the structure of the home. Here are just a few examples of common biological pollutants commonly found all around us:

  • Dust Mites and Cockroaches
  • Infectious Bacteria or Viruses
  • Pollen
  • Animal Dander

In a home, water and moisture provide excellent breeding grounds for pollutants to take over. Attics, basements, crawl spaces, appliances, carpets, furniture, bathrooms, unvented heaters, dehumidifiers, and air conditioners all emit some moisture into the air which in turn attracts pollutants and makes us ill. According to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, 30% to 50% of all structures have damp conditions and may encourage growth or build up, particularly in warmer climates.

So, the best course of action, especially if you or any of your family is suffering from certain symptoms, is to do a thorough inspection of your home. By finding and eliminating issues that contribute to the growth of biological pollutants in the home, everyone will be able to breathe a whole lot easier.

If you want an expert’s opinion that can save a lot of time,  how we can help. In the meantime, here are some strategies to get you started. Be sure to grab your clipboard and a pen to mark down areas that need to be addressed, either by you or a repair professional.

  • Firewood, insulation, and construction materials that are laying around are not a good idea, so dispose of them immediately
  • If you smell something musty or see water stains, check your appliances for leaks or outdated parts – replace or call a repair service
  • Check to see if the refrigerator drip pan should be cleaned and emptied
  • Check for moisture in basements, attics, crawlspaces and everywhere in between
  • Check that your appliance vents and filters are not dirty, swap out if needed
  • Look in your basement for cracks or crumbling concrete and have it fixed and sealed
  • Schedule grooming and a carpet cleaning to address pet dander

Prevention is key, and unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to eliminate all biological pollutants in the home. What you can do is inspect often, clean all surfaces, control dust, watch for moisture buildup, and perhaps even change some of your chemical cleaning products for ones that are biologically safe and environmentally friendly.

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