Bee Beautiful, Bee Energized! {BeeAlive #Review}

Energy deprivation comes with the territory of being a mom. Life gets so busy as your kiddos grow up and get involved with activities and building friendships. No stage of motherhood is easy, they all have challenges, but my role as mom has moved from providing basic needs, like feeding and diapering, into taxi driving and counseling. If you have a tween, you know what I’m talking about! Your precious little child turns moody and wants to express herself apart from mom and dad. Each decision you make now, can really impact both your relationship with your child and their personality in the future. Talk about pressure!! To help me gain some energy for this exciting yet challenging chapter of my life as a tween/teen mom, I’m turning to Bee Alive. Bee Alive offers natural solutions for enhanced energy with their line of royal jelly based products. Royal Jelly is considered a super food and is the exclusive diet of a queen bee. Since Bee Alive only uses fresh 100%pure, never freeze-dried royal jelly, they provide the highest quality to their customers.

I love honey (especially on biscuits!), so I was thrilled to try a honey-like substance…no pills to swallow..aimed at increasing my stamina. Sweet Energy formula is yummy and just what I hoped it would be! Satisfying and effective. Sweet Energy is sold in a 3-month supply, which allows the body enough time to feel its full benefit.  I’ve been using it for a month, and I’ve already felt more pep in my step! I plan to continue my regime of spreading some on my toast or biscuits each day. For those days where I need a quick pick me up, I reach for my vials of Energy Serj. Now, I have to say, these are potent.  The first time I tried one, I drank it straight from the glass vial and had to guzzle down a bottle of water afterward.  I put it in my cranberry juice now;).  Athletes like to take these as they don’t contain caffeine (avoiding crash), yet have the natural benefit of royal jelly, eleuthero and schisandra (known to increase the body’s resistance to various stress).

My very favorite BeeAlive products are their newly introduced line of Spa Essentials.  Rose Balletta, wife to current BeeAlive CEO Jason, along with organic farmer, Petra Stone, have created a fabulous line of skincare that combine beneficial bee products with essential oils and herbs.  The Balletta family recognizes the importance of using natural products and it shows in their commitment to exploring new products.  Currently the line consists of a face wash, day and night creme.  There are plans on expanding the line and I can’t wait to see what’s next!  For the last several years I’ve been dealing with hormonal skin conditions….melasma and even a few breakouts….which have been a catalyst for me choosing skincare and make-up that is free from harsh chemicals and preservatives.

It’s a change I feel wonderful about.  Over the last 4 weeks of using my new Honey Cleanser, and particularly the Enriching Royal Jelly Creme and Delicate Royal Jelly Creme, my skin has changed.  I’ve noticed a new balance in my skin condition….added moisture, and overall brightening.  I am attributing these changes to the powerful natural properties of royal jelly, bee propolis, adaptogen rhodiola and antioxidants like elderberry found in Spa Essentials.  Each creme is luxuriously smooth and quenches my thirsty, aging skin.  I also love the earthy scent.  Pricing is no more expensive than my other natural products and even less expensive when you become a preferred BeeAlive customer.  I’m estimating, based on my usage, that each product will last me 2-3 months.  REAL MOM RECOMMENDED!!

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