All You Need To Learn About New Roof Installation

Installing a new roof is always a challenging procedure because you have to decide whether to opt for full-tear-off or simply install the new one on top of the old one. Generally, if you’re on a tight budget, then we suggest going with the overlay procedure where the new roof will be installed upon the older one, with minimal alterations.

However, if budget is not an issue for your scenario, then it’s better to start afresh by stripping the old one. Therefore, in this guide, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know when it comes to new roof installations so that you can take the correct step for yourself & your family.

Knowing About The Local Laws

Professional home inspector in Nashua NH services state states that the decision to either overlay on your existing roof or perform a new installation will highly depend on your local construction laws. There can be a possibility that your local laws might prohibit you from using your previous roof installation altogether. Some of the possible reasons why such laws might exist are:

  • Any hidden damage under the old roof installation.
  • The house had been affected by a natural disaster in the past.
  • The house’s structure might not be capable to deal with any extra weight.
  • The lifespan of the old roofing materials has reduced considerably. 

Apart from the aforementioned reasons, you must also remember that in case your old roof already had defects, then it would be prudent to simply go ahead with a new roof installation. Even though all types of defects are not the same, it’s better to be on the safe side because even minor defects can lead to something extraordinary at a future stage. 

Moreover, you’d always want your new roof to last quite a long time – which can only be achieved through a new roof installation. 

Opting For New Shingles

If you’re going ahead with a totally new roof installation, then you have to opt for new roof shingles along with ripping off the old ones. 

However, if you’re going with an overlay procedure where you keep your old roof installation, then you can simply install the new roof installations on top of the old one. Comparing the labour intensiveness of both of these procedures, there’s no doubt that installing a new roof will obviously be more labour intensive than opting for an overlay. 

Besides, when opting for a new roof installation, you need to remember that the ripped-off old materials must be disposed of carefully. So, your roof installer might charge you more for the disposal of the old materials & debris. 

Lastly, if you have any questions, feel free to let us know. We’ll assist you right away. 

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