A Tearfree Scale {EatSmart Precision Digital Kitchen Scale Giveaway}

One thing I hate is scales!  Every time I step on one I end up wishing I hadn’t.  Wouldn’t it be great to find a scale that doesn’t make you cry?!  Well…we have!EatSmart Precision Digital Kitchen Scale is one scale that will never make you cry…unless of course you are weighing diced onions   Okay seriously though, this scale is awesome!I use a food scale at least 2 times a day.  Using a food scale helps me with my portion control.  Until I started weighing my food I had no clue that I was totally over eating.  When a serving size said 2 oz. I didn’t really understand what 2 oz. looked like.  Ever since I started to weigh out my meats and have been able to see some major weightloss results.Before I received the EatSmart Precision Digital Kitchen Scale I was using an “old school” scale.  I would put my food on it and it looked like about the weight I was going for.  There is no way the thing could have been accurate.  Have you ever tried to do a diet where you about follow it?  Doesn’t really work huh!?

The other thing I didn’t like about my old scale was I had to put the food in the tray provided.  If I didn’t I had to turn the little dial until the scale tared to zero.  That only worked for paper plates and plastic containers–even at that it took forever to do.  There was no way I could put the food on the plate and weigh it.With EatSmart Precision Digital Kitchen Scale all my kitchen scale dreams have come true.  The abouts are gone!  It has a digital LCD screen that tells me exactly how much food there is.  It is precise to the .05 oz/ 1 gram.  I CAN put a plate on the scale, hit the tare button, bring the scale to zero and begin to weigh my food.  What a time saver and waist trimmer.“Weigh items up to 11 lbs quickly and accurately, with results displayed in four different units: grams / ounces / pounds / kilograms.”  “Additionally the three minute auto-turnoff feature ensures that you will never again lose your measurement in the middle of your recipe prep!”New Years resolutions are coming up and at the top of a lot of list’s will be weight loss.  This kitchen scale is going to help you love your bathroom scale.It is available on Amazon.com for $25 and is available in white, silver, red, black chrome or white chrome.  It is rateda 5 star product by 1,463 people!  See!  I am not the only one who loves it!

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