A Quick Checklist That Needs To Be Inspected When Buying A Home!

We know you are all set to buy a new home and super excited for the same. There have been all sorts of plans running in your mind about the décor that you’ll be doing in the new place. The irresistible ideas of creating a heavenly home within no time, and so much more! But wait! Have you got the property inspected? The property on which you are dreaming of creating a dream house may not may not deserve all that effort and money. Have you enquired in depth about its condition?

No, we aren’t talking about taking peer discussions on the home inspection. A home inspection in Maine actually involves an educated and experienced inspector from a reputed company taking a tour of the property, and finding out all the existing issues and the present condition of the place. This is then formatted in a formal report and provided to you. It’s after this detailed report that you should be going over the idea of buying the house (or not). But there are also certain things that you have to make sure are answered in your report especially (though most of the experienced inspectors would know about including the same in their reports).

 Important checklist to mark at the time of inspection!

When you intend to buy a new property, get a new home inspection checklist by Alpha Inspections. They have done thousands of home inspections and provided a comprehensive report of the same to the buyers about the actual age and condition of the property. These reports then have been the decision maker in their clients’ property buying dilemma. Let’s see what is in the quick checklist: 

1. The exterior walls — The exterior wall is always a strong depiction of the house’s condition. See to it if there are any visible (or invisible) major cracks, too much of water leakage issues, the type of waterproofing done, the condition of the present paint, etc.

2. The water flow — It is really is essential to assess the direction of the rainwater during the rains. It may get collected at the corners of the house or whether that water has a direct way to drainage. Also, make a point to inquire if this water settles anywhere in the garden area rather than passing out of the property (i.e. If the water accumulates).

  • Roof: Always make sure to get the roofs checked thoroughly. Catch the signs of leakage from this area, or a hole, crack, etc. that may be the secret passage to the interiors (for the water or insects).
  • Gutters: Make it a point to include the gutters under your checklist. Look for any serious damage in the system other than just a basic blockage.
  • Septic system: Another crucial area to check is your septic system. Check if there are any drainage issue in the house, or a foul smell in the backyard or in the place. Also look for puddle formation around this area. This clearly points out to an issue in the septic system, which can later be examined in detail by the home inspector.
  • Interior walls: Go out to find the lines on the wall that may be created because of water leakage. Look for those cracked lines and let your inspector inquire about the depth and seriousness of the situation.
  • Ceiling: See if the ceiling is unstable structurally. Also check the water leakage marks there too. Any holes in the corners of the same should be given attention too.
  • Electrical connections: Make a point to check the sockets and look for a burnt mark there. Check for any water marks around the main socket or tripper connection. Find the similar visible spots around the major electronic fittings (refrigerators, washing machines etc.).
  • Windows: Check the material and quality used as the window panes. Also, if there’s any hole or an outlet around this area to the indoors. 
  • Washrooms: Again washrooms shouldn’t smell too much as it may be due to a faulty sewerage. Keep a check if fresh running water is getting leaked through any of the pipes and the conditions of the faucets.

Apart from all these essential areas, keep a check on the moulds or algae buildup in the property, the condition of the garage and the swiftness of the garage door, the various doors and locks of the house and the kitchen sink and chimney. Make sure you double check these all points after the inspection is over, and accordingly make a wise decision on buying the property. 

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