Keep On Trikin’ {Smart Trike PLUS Giveaway}

The Smart Trike company is the worldwide leading manufacturer in the Tricycle field, providing smart innovative solutions to all cycling stages, from baby to toddler to pre-schooler. Their focus is on designing and marketing products that help motoric development for very young children. Their products build confidence through easy function and comfort providing young children with easy skills that help achieve independence and enjoyment.
The unique 3 in 1 Smart Trike concept is designed for quality and functionality for a baby 10 months and up. It converts easily from a safe and comfortable baby tricycle to an independent tricycle and is available in a variety of fun colors! The product includes shoulder belts for security and a sun canopy that protects the child, guaranteeing a fun and safe ride. ~Smart Trike

My daughter couldn’t wait to get on her new Smart Trike PLUS! As soon as it arrived she was pleading with me to open it. I, however, wanted to wait until after the kids went to sleep to put it together. I am not the best at assembling things, so I knew I would want to tackle it at a time when there would be no interruptions. She just stared at the box all.night.long. up until her bedtime! As soon as the kids were in bed I held up my end of the bargain. Assembly began! There were several pieces which is always a bit overwhelming for me, but it actually was pretty easy to assemble, the instructions were simple and easy to follow; it probably took me about 15 minutes. Not bad! Of course, I was pretty proud and made sure that it was going to be the first thing she saw when she woke up! I was also very impressed by the plastic. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from a plastic tricycle, but the plastic used on the Smart Trike seems like it’s going to be very sturdy and durable. It also has a full metal frame. I have no doubt it will be used by both of my children.

First thing in the morning she was ready to go riding! For her {2 1/2 years old} I used the middle stage: the tricycle with the handle on the back for pushing. She still has trouble pedaling…or she has us all fooled. Either way, I wanted to leave the handle on so that way I could help her along and not hurt my back by having to lean over and push her. Such an awesome feature! The handle is especially great because it can also steer the front wheel! That way when your child is very small, they don’t have to steer, you can do it for them! Nice! Of course, before we took of, Ava had to fill up the bucket on the back with a bunch of her toys! She can’t leave the house without them! I love that I can start using this tricycle with my son in a few months and will never have to buy him another tricycle. This one can be modified to meet his needs from 10 months on up to 3 years! The sun canopy and safety seat are easily removable with one snap.  Living in such a sunny state, the sun canopy has to be one of my favorite features! Smart Trike has done an amazing job creating a tricycle that will be able to work for your child through several stages of their life, it grows up with your baby! Love it!

We were so excited when our Smart Trike Plus arrived. Before this we had a little push car that our little guy loved to sit on. The only problem was he wanted us to push him up and down the hall all day. We always went to bed with a sore back. There were days when we wanted to HIDE that car. So when the package arrived on our front step we were thrilled, especially my hubby since he did most of the pushing (thanks sweetie for being such a great dad!). It was simple to put together and now we are pushing our little guy up and down the hall without the aches and pains of being hunched over. We can do it one handed and he is thrilled too! We can’t wait for the warmer weather to show up this spring so we can go out on family walks with our Smart Trike Plus. It will also be great to take to the grandparents, the park, and camping. Thanks Smart Trike Plus for making such a SMART way to push your kiddos. It’s genius on wheels!

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