Bringing Home Baby My 10 Tips To Help You

When you are pregnant for nine months you usually spend a lot of time preparing for that wonderful bundle of joy to come home. I just experienced bringing home baby #2 to our home….and I was recently asked what my top ten tips would be.

So here you go:

1-Organize in advance- While you have a bun cooking in the oven start organizing your home. Just do a little at a time. I would pick one closet or one drawer each week. By the time I delivered my house was quite organized. You will find it a lot easier to bring baby home to a well organized house.

2-Set up a diaper station- I purchased a nice basket that sits in the family room and holds everything for changing my little ones diaper. It holds diapers, wipes, rash cream, and even a pacifier. That way I don’t have to track everything down when she needs a change. I simply grab the basket and everything is right within reach.

3-I think a clean nursery is essential for a new baby. I like to have my carpets cleaned and the nursery cleaned right before I bring the baby home. I wipe everything down and make sure it is sanitized so my babies will be in a clean healthy environment.

4-Setting up the Nursery- Prepare everything you need in the nursery before bringing the baby home. If you have the changing table, dresser, and crib already put together you will not feel as stressed when you come home to do it all.

5-Clothing and Diapers- Don’t purchase too many diapers in one size and clothing for baby in advance. I found with my first that he quickly outgrew the diapers by size and I was left with unused diapers. Also I went baby crazy and bought a ton of new born clothing only for him to be out of them within the first month. I found it best to buy 0-3 month clothing and that way the baby could wear it longer and save me more money.

6-Hand Sanitizer Station- When we brought our baby home recently we placed a big ole’ bottle of Hand Sanitizer on the kitchen counter. When guests came over to visit it was the first and only thing they saw! Clean hands help keep the germs away from you and baby. Lysol products are also GREAT to help keep the germs away!

7-Breastfeeding Mommy- If you are or planning on breastfeeding pick up a book or two to read ahead of delivery. You will find that it will be full of lot’s of helpful tips to keep you and baby on the breastfeeding track. Also seek support from family or friends that have breastfeed and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The key to successful breastfeeding is knowing what you are doing and having a support system behind you. It is hard but 100% worth it!

8-For pet lovers- If you have a pet and you are bringing home a baby for the first time it is essential to prep them for it. I started talking about the baby well in advance so my little dog would get a sense for what was going on. As if she didn’t already notice my growing belly as she would use it as a pillow everyday. You can even bring a blanket to the hospital and have baby sleep with it the first night. Then send it home to your pet for the next day or so, so they can smell baby before she comes home. It really does help. Since they will have the jealousy factor just as a small child would. This will help them to adjust quicker and get to know the baby before you bring her home.

9-Take time for yourself. You will find a new baby to be very demanding on your time and schedule. Make sure you take time when family is there or daddy is home to take a nice long bubble bath, or just a nap! You need to make sure you take care of yourself too!

10-Ask for help. Ask your family, friends, and hubby for help whenever you need it. You will find you will need extra naps and if you have a friend come over for an hour or so you will feel so much more refreshed than trying to do it without a nap. Everyone loves holding a new baby so you don’t need to be afraid to ask them for help as they are sure to say yes.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Let the house get messy, stay in your pajamas all day if you want to, and just hold that beautiful little baby. Right now is the time you need to cherious because they grow so quickly and before you know it they will be eighteen and leaving the nest.

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