Let it Grow {Miracle-Gro Kids Kit Review}

I love the idea of a garden.  I don’t love all of the time and work that goes into it…I am secretly grateful for that pesky gopher that has been living in my backyard (preventing our garden planting) for the last two years.  So when the opportunity came to have a tiny little garden in my kitchen, we went for it!  Miracle-Gro sent a Disney Mickey Mouse Greenhouse for us to try out our green thumbs on.

“The Disney Mickey Mouse Greenhouse from Miracle-Gro® Kids boasts the iconic shape of the most famous mouse in the world!  Kids will enjoy the fun of growing a bountiful vegetable garden with the Miracle-Gro® Gro-Pod™ system.”

I talked my kids into waiting a day or two after delivery to start the growing…that way Josh could do all of the work and I could take pictures.  The instructions were very easy to follow and before long the kids had Mickey all put together and they were ready to plant the seeds.  The kit came with 3 different kids of seeds, soil, and a planting sticks.  Josh helped dig the holes while the kids very carefully dropped the seeds in the holes.  Mia got to put the labeling sticks in the cups, so we would remember what had been planted in each cup.  She was very impressed with the Mickey and Goofy ones.  With one last drink of water, the lid was placed over the top and the greenhouse was placed in the kitchen window.

About 3 weeks later, we have some baby tomato plants and cucumber plants growing in our cute little terrarium.  We only had to water them once or twice because the moisture collected on the top and would keep the plants moist.  Every morning the kids all take a good peek at their plants and have shown them off to their friends.  They can’t wait to finally have veggies on their plants…we better plan on replanting them before them.

Gardening isn’t just for Grandpa…kids can do it, too.  They were thrilled as Josh taught them about how the green house worked and how the plants were going to grow.  What a wonderful way to teach kids about gardening.  Miracle-Gro also has all kids of other fun kids gardening kits. Real Mom Approved!!

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